[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Retin A Cost, on May 27, 2011.]
Censorship, the law, and Twitter: If we hadn't already learned how social media are opening the traditional media's gatekeeping role to the masses, we got a pretty good object lesson this week in Britain. Here's what happened: To keep the British tabloids from digging into an alleged affair with a reality TV star, Manchester United soccer star Ryan Giggs took out a British court provision called a super-injunction that prohibits media from identifying him and reporting on both the story and the very fact that a super-injunction exists.
But the super-injunction was no match for Facebook, Twitter, and soccer forums, where thousands of people talked about Giggs and the affair in spite of (and because of) the order, where can i cheapest Retin A online. Since then, a Scottish newspaper and a member of Parliament have both named Giggs, rendering the super-injunction essentially ineffective and causing quite a bit of handwringing over whether gag orders are a lost cause in the Twitter age, and whether or not that's a good thing.
Giggs sued Twitter for the breach, Taking Retin A, and some members of Parliament started looking for ways to control the site. Prime Minister David Cameron said Twitter made Britain's injunctions "unfair" and "unsustainable" for traditional media and urged Parliament to change them, Retin A Cost. Some people, including World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee and the Guardian's Richard Hillgrove, said the problem lies with Twitter, not the law, with Hillgrove (rather absurdly) suggesting a delay mechanism to monitor posts before they go up: "Twitter and Facebook are not blank sheets of paper. They are media publishers like any other."
Others faulted the law instead: At the Guardian, Retin A steet value, Dan Gillmor said it allows the wealthy to play by different rules, and the Telegraph'sHarry Mount said that thanks to the web, "a form of people power has been effectively absorbed into that new body of privacy law." The Vancouver Sun's Mario Canseco documented the failure of gag orders in the Internet age in Canada, and Mathew Ingram of GigaOM advised courts and governments to quit trying to enforce antiquated laws, saying they "may not like the implications of a totally distributed real-time information network, Purchase Retin A for sale, but they are going to have to start living with it sooner rather than later."
Then, of course, there's the question of whether the anonymous online super-injunction violators have any legal repercussions to worry about. As the New York Times noted, Twitter has been resistant to turning over its users' identities in the past, though a Twitter official said this week it will hand over user info to the authorities if it's legally required to. But even with Twitter's compliance, where can i order Retin A without prescription, there would still be hurdles to clear in identifying users, the Telegraph explained.
iPad channels for big and small media Retin A Cost, : Several big-media publications neared or hit iPad milestones this week: On stage at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, The Daily's Greg Clayman said it's nearing a million downloads since it was launched in January. Clayman wouldn't say how many paid subscribers the News Corp. iPad-only publication has (a far more interesting figure in determining The Daily's viability), but Adweek's Lucia Moses said The Daily will announce its number of paid downloads — it only started charging in March — once it hits a "target level."
Meanwhile, Cheap Retin A no rx, Wired and GQ were made available for in-app subscriptions through Apple App Store this week, after their owner, Condé Nast, became one of the first major publishers to strike a deal with Apple for in-app subscriptions earlier this month. Another major publication, Playboy, launched an iPad subscription outside the App Store, buy Retin A online cod, because it obviously has some difficulty complying with Apple's "no nudity" policy.
Playboy's app is essentially an iPad-optimized website, which might seem like a tempting option for publishers who don't want to deal with Apple's restrictions, but as Mashable and GigaOM explained, Playboy might be uniquely positioned to pull this off where others can't. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram looked at those cases and weighed the pluses and minuses for publishers of getting into bed with Apple, Retin A Cost. Buy Retin A from canada, Of course, big publishers aren't the only ones getting into the iPad game: At paidContent, Ashley Norris, CEO of a small publishing company that just released an iPad app, argued that indie publishers could play a key role in developing the tablet magazine. Flipboard is a pretty ideal model for those publishers: It's valued at $200 million, and SiliconAngle's Tom Foremski said it exemplifies the current en vogue tech-bubble business plan: "find free content and organize it into a useful interface." That niche might not play as big of a part in the iPad market as we think, buy cheap Retin A, though: As Poynter's Jeff Sonderman noted via ReadWriteWeb, news apps make up only 3% of all the apps in the App Store.
Driving more traffic from Facebook: Facebook has been working hard lately to cozy up to news organizations, and this week it provided some statistics that may have some of those organizations looking more closely at integrating Facebook into their sites. According to stats Search Engine Land got from Facebook (so grain of salt, Taking Retin A, etc.), the average media site integrated with Facebook has gotten a 300% jump in Facebook referral traffic, and ABC News, the Washington Post, and the Huffington Post have all reportedly doubled their traffic from Facebook since adding social plugins. Retin A Cost, Meanwhile, Fortune's Peter Lauria talked to Facebook's Vadim Lavrusik about the possibility of news orgs charging on Facebook using Facebook credits, like some Facebook games do now.
As it's been known to do, Facebook played a big role in the aftermath of another natural disaster this week when a tornado hit Joplin, Retin A dose, Missouri. The local newspaper, the Joplin Globe, told Poynter about how they set up a Facebook page to help people find family and friends in the tornado's wake.
Elsewhere in social media and news, Is Retin A safe, the New York Times experimented this week with a human-powered Twitter feed, as opposed to its usual mostly automatically driven style. The Times' Liz Heron (and a couple of other newspaper social media editors) talked to Poynter's Jeff Sonderman about their Twitter strategies, and Jessica Roy of 10,000 Words looked at how the experiment changed the Times' Twitter feed. Heron also revealed the Times' informal social media guidelines at the BBC's Social Media Summit: "Use common sense and don't be stupid."
Reading roundup: Not a lot of big future-of-news stories this week, a several smaller things worth keeping an eye on:
— Google notified publishers late last week that it's abandoning its project to scan and archive hundreds of years of old newspapers, Retin A Cost. The Atlantic's Adam Clark Estes lamented the decision, and Paul Balcerak urged newspapers to pick up where Google left off, Retin A images.
— This week's AOL/Huffington Post bits and pieces: Huffington Post Canada has been launched, AOL's Daily Finance has been made over, and some HuffPo staff are reportedly leaving because they're upset with how the AOL/HuffPo marriage has gone so far. Meanwhile, even though AOL's content is free, Retin A reviews, CEO Tim Armstrong expressed his general belief in paid content online.
— Ben Huh of the Cheezburger network of comedy sites announced he's working on what he's calling the Moby Dick Project — an effort to reform the way news is presented and consumed online. ReadWriteWeb gave more details Retin A Cost, of the type of software he's developing.
— A couple of addenda to last week's linking discussion: Former Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Fry wrote about solving the workflow issue at newspapers, and at the Guardian, Dan Gillmor called out lazy linking — linking to a summary, rather than the original piece — in online aggregation.
— CUNY j-prof Jeff Jarvis made a case for news as conversation and the value of comments, rx free Retin A, and at 10,000 Words, Alex Schmidt wrote about the way poisonous online comments can affect reporters.
— Finally, Canadian media consultant Ken Goldstein issued a paper looking at decline circulation of newspapers in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. He included a possibly remarkably prescient 1964 quotation by media theorist Marshall McLuhan: "The classified ads (and stock-market quotations) are the bedrock of the press. Should an alternative source of easy access to such diverse daily information be found, the press will fold.".
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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Diflucan Cost, on May 13, 2011.]
Leaving the old ad model behind: Much of the commentary about digital news this week was generated by two big reports, one on the business of digital journalism and the other on its consumption. We'll start on the business side, with the Columbia j-school's study on what we know so far about the viability of various digital journalism business models. As Poynter's Bill Mitchell suggested, the best entry point into the 146-page report might be the nine recommendations that form its conclusion. Buy Diflucan no prescription, Mitchell summed the report up in three themes: The audience for journalism is growing, though translating that into revenue is a challenge; the old model of banner ads isn't cutting it, and news orgs need to look for new forms of advertising; and news orgs need to play better with aggregators and sharpen their own aggregation skills. In his response to the study, Reuters' Felix Salmon focused on the advertising angle, arguing that journalism and advertising have too long been linked by mere adjacency and that "when you move away from the ad-adjacency model, Diflucan dangers, however, things get a lot more interesting and exciting."
The New York Times' story on the report centered on advertising, too, particularly the growing need for journalists to learn about the business side of their products. (That was media consultant Mark Potts' main takeaway, too.) Emily Bell, a scholar at the center that released the study, said that while journalists need to understand the business of their industry, integrating news and sales staffs isn't necessarily the way to go, Diflucan Cost. Australia, uk, us, usa, The J-Lab's Jan Schaffer recommended that news orgs respond to their business problems by learning from smaller startups and incorporating them more thoroughly into the journalism ecosystem. And paidContent's Staci Kramer advised news orgs to focus on regular audiences rather than fly-by visitors: "Outwardly we like to complain about content farms; in reality, a lot of what news outlets are doing to the side of those front-page stories isn’t very different."
Facebook's growth as news driver: The other major report was released by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism and looked at how people access news on the web. This study, too, found that despite a small core of frequent users, online Diflucan without a prescription, news sites are dependent on casual users who visit sites infrequently and don't stay long when they're there. Poynter's Rick Edmonds conveniently distilled the study into five big takeaways. Diflucan Cost, The study also found that while Google is still the top referrer to major news sites, Facebook is quickly emerging as a significant news driver, too. University of British Columbia j-prof Alfred Hermida said this lines up with recent research he's done among Canadians, and GigaOM's Mathew Ingram said it showed that while Google is a dominant source for online news now, Diflucan natural, Facebook is primed to succeed it.
Meanwhile, the study also found that surprisingly little traffic to news sites is driven by Twitter. Lauren Dugan of All Twitter said this finding casts some doubt on the idea that Twitter is "a huge link-sharing playground," though the Wall Street Journal's Zach Seward said the study misses that Twitter referrals are undercounted.
The Twitter undercounting was one of several problems that TBD's Steve Buttry had about the study, where can i buy cheapest Diflucan online, including inconsistent language to characterize findings and a bias toward large news organizations. "This study probably has some helpful data, Diflucan Cost. But it has too many huge holes and indications of bias to have much value," Buttry wrote.
Pricing ads and subscriptions on tablets: Condé Nast became the third major magazine publisher to reach an agreement with Apple on app subscriptions, Online buying Diflucan, and one of the first to offer an in-app subscription, with The New Yorker available now. (Wired subscriptions are coming next month.) Time Inc., which reached a deal with Apple last week, clarified that it won't include in-app subscriptions, which would be where Apple takes that now-infamous 30% cut, Diflucan from canada. The Financial Times, meanwhile, is still negotiating with Apple.
Forbes' Jeff Bercovici explained why publishers may be warming to Apple's deal Diflucan Cost, : Turns out, more people are willing to share their personal data with publishers feared. Still, Diflucan online cod, Mathew Ingram of GigaOM used iFlowReader's bad Apple experience as a warning to other companies about the dangers of getting into bed with Apple.
Now that Apple-publisher relations have thawed, the New York Times' David Carr moved to the next issue: Negotiations between publishers and advertisers over how valuable in-app ads are, and how much those ads should cost. Time.com's Chris Gayomali wondered why magazines are more than giving away app subscriptions with print subscriptions, and concluded that it's about getting more eyeballs on the print product, Diflucan overnight, not the app, in order to maintain the all-important ad rate base.
In other words, Carr said in another post, Is Diflucan addictive, publishers are following the old magazine model, where the product is priced below cost and the money is made off advertising instead. He questioned the wisdom of applying that strategy to tablets: "the rich advertising opportunity that will produce may be a less durable and less stable business than grinding out highly profitable circulation over the long haul."
A postmortem on Bin Laden coverage: It's now been close to two weeks since the news of Osama bin Laden's death broke on Twitter, but plenty of folks were still discussing how the story was broken and covered, Diflucan Cost. Gilad Lotan and Devin Gaffney of SocialFlow put together some fascinating visualizations of how the news spread on Twitter, especially the central roles of Donald Rumsfeld staffer Keith Urbahn and New York Times reporter Brian Stelter. Mashable's Chris Taylor concluded from the data that trustworthiness and having active followers (as opposed to just lots of followers) are more important than ever on Twitter.
Media consultant Frederic Filloux was mostly reassured by the way the traditional news outlets handled the story online: "For once, order Diflucan from United States pharmacy, editorial seems to evolve at a faster pace than the business side." There were still folks cautioning against going overboard on Twitter-as-news hype, while the Telegraph's Emma Barnett wondered why pundits are still so surprised at the significant role Twitter and Facebook play in breaking news. ("It's exactly what they were designed for.")
New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane gave the blow-by-blow of how his paper responded to the story, highlighting a few tweets by Times reporters and editors. Reuters' Felix Salmon chastised Brisbane Diflucan Cost, for not including Brian Stelter's tweets, which were posted a good 15 minutes before the ones he included. Herbal Diflucan, The exclusion, Salmon surmised, might indicate that the Times doesn't see what Stelter did on Twitter as reporting.
Google News founder Krishna Bharat compared the way Google handled 9/11 and Bin Laden's death, marveling at how much more breaking-news coverage is available on the web now. The Lab's Megan Garber used the occasion to glean some insights from Bharat about trusting the authority of the algorithm to provide a rich palette of news, order Diflucan online overnight delivery no prescription, but at Search Engine Land, Danny Sullivan used the Bin Laden coverage to point out some flaws in Google News' algorithm.
Reading roundup: Lots of interesting little rabbit trails to choose from this week. Here are a few:
— ComScore's April traffic numbers are out, and there were a number of storylines flowing out of them: Cable news sources are beating print ones in web traffic, the New York Times' numbers are down (as expected) after implementation of its paywall, and Gawker's numbers are starting to come back after dropping last year with its redesign, Diflucan Cost.
— Last week, Diflucan no rx, ESPN columnist Rick Reilly told graduating students at the University of Colorado's j-school to never write for free. That prompted Jason Fry of the National Sports Journalism Center and Craig Calcaterra of MSNBC.com's Hardball Talk to expound on the virtues of writing for free, though Slate's Tom Scocca took Reilly's side.
— Two thoughtful pieces on brands and journalism: Jason Fry at Poynter on assessing the value of organizational and personal brands, and Vadim Lavrusik at the Lab on journalists building their brands via Facebook.
— Late last week, Google lost an appeal to a 2007 Belgian ruling forcing it to pay newspapers for gaining revenue for linking to their stories on Google News.
— Finally, the Huffington Post's Mandy Jenkins offered a helpful list of 10 ways journalists can use Storify. It's full of great examples and should spark an idea or two.
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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Synthroid No Rx, on April 22, 2011.]
Is Flipboard a competitor or collaborator?: Flipboard has quickly become one of the hottest news apps for the iPad, and it continued its streak last week when it announced it had raised $50 million in funding. Flipboard's Mike McCue told All Things Digital's Kara Swisher he'd be using the money to hire more staff and expand onto other devices, including the iPhone and Android platform. But he also talked to TechCrunch about using the money to fend off a rumored competitor in development at Google. (The Houston Chronicle's Dwight Silverman told Google not to bother, because Zite already does the trick for him.)
All this prompted a fantastic analysis of Flipboard from French media consultant Frederic Filloux, buying Synthroid online over the counter, who explained why Flipboard's distinctive user-directed blend of news media sites, RSS feeds, and social media is so wonderful for users but so threatening to publishers. Filloux argued that every media company should be afraid of Flipboard because they've built a superior news-consumption product for users, Where to buy Synthroid, and they're doing it on the backs of publishers. But none of those publishers can complain about Flipboard, because any of them could have (and should have) invented it themselves.
GigaOM's Mathew Ingram advised media companies to be willing to work with Flipboard for a similar "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" reason: Its app has their apps beat in terms of customizability and usability, so they're better off trying to make money off of it than their own internal options, Synthroid No Rx. ReadWriteWeb's Dan Rowinski wrote about the possibility that Flipboard could be a better alternative partner for publishers than Apple, and Marshall Kirkpatrick wondered why publishers are up in arms about Flipboard in the first place.
Traditional media's personalized news move: One of the reasons that media companies might be less than willing to work with Flipboard is that some of them are building their own personalized news aggregation apps, two of which launched this week: The Washington Post Co.'s Trove and Betaworks' News.me, developed with the New York Times, buy Synthroid without prescription. INFOdocket's Gary Price has the best breakdown of what Trove does: It uses your Facebook account and in-app reading habits to give you personalized "channels" of news, determined by an algorithm and editors' picks — a bit of the "Pandora for news" idea, as the Post's Don Graham called it. (It's free, Synthroid steet value, so it's got that going for it, which is nice.)
All Things Digital's Peter Kafka suspected that Trove will be most useful on mobile media, as its web interface won't be much different from many people's current personalized home pages, and David Zax of Fast Company emphasized the social aspect of the service.
News.me is different from Trove in a number of ways Synthroid No Rx, : It costs 99 cents a week, and it's based not on your reading history, but on what other people on Twitter are reading. (Not just what they're tweeting, but what they're reading — Betaworks' John Borthwick called it reading "over other people's shoulders.") It also pays publishers based on the number of people who read their content through the app, Synthroid duration. That's part of the reason it's gotten the blessing of some media organizations that aren't typically aggregator friendly, like the Associated Press.
Since News.me is based so heavily on Twitter, it raises the obvious question of whether you'd be better off just getting your news for free from Twitter itself. Synthroid mg, That's what Business Insider's Ellis Hamburger wondered, and Gizmodo's Adrian Covert answered a definitive 'no,' though Martin Bryant of The Next Web said it could be helpful in stripping out the chatter of Twitter and adding an algorithmic aspect. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram looked at both services and concluded that they signal a willingness by some traditional media outlets to adjust their longtime broadcasting role to the modern model of the "Daily Me."
A good sign for the Times' pay plan: The overall news from the New York Times Co.'s quarterly earnings report this week wasn't good — net income is down 57% from a year ago — but there was one silver lining for online paid-content advocates: More than 100,000 people have begun paying for the Times' website since it began charging for access last month, Synthroid No Rx. (That number doesn't include those who got free subscriptions via Lincoln, but it does include those who are paying though cheaper introductory trials.)
As Advertising Age's Nat Ives pointed out, there's a lot that number doesn't tell us about traffic and revenue (particularly, where can i cheapest Synthroid online, as paidContent's Staci Kramer noted, how many people are paying full price for their subscriptions), but several folks, including Glynnis MacNicol of Business Insider, Low dose Synthroid, were surprised at how well the Times' pay plan is doing. (Its goal for the first year was 300,000 subscribers.) She said the figure compares favorably with the Financial Times, which got its 200,000th subscriber this year, nine years into its paywall, Synthroid canada, mexico, india.
Those numbers are particularly critical for the Times given the difficulty its company has had over the past several years — as Katie Feola of Adweek wrote, many analysts believe the pay plan is crucial for the Times' financial viability. "But this means the paper's future rests on an untested model that many experts believe can't work in the oversaturated news market," she wrote. "And the Times has to pray the ad market won’t decline faster than analysts predict."
A few other paid-content tidbits: Nine of Slovakia's largest news organizations put up a paywall together this week, and the pope is apparently pro-paywall, Synthroid use, too. At the Guardian, Cory Doctorow mused about how companies can (and can't) get people to pay for the content online in an age of piracy.
Google's hammer falls on eHow: When Google applied its algorithm adjustment last month Synthroid No Rx, to crack down on content farms, Demand Media's eHow actually came out better off (though others didn't fare so well, like the New York Times Co.'s About.com, as we found out this week). Google made a second round of updates last week, and eHow got nailed this time, losing 66% of their Googlejuice, Synthroid from mexico, according to Sistrix.
Search Engine Land's Matt McGee speculated that Google might have actually been surprised when eHow benefited the first time, and may have made this tweak in part as an effort to "correct" that. Demand Media, Synthroid treatment, meanwhile, called Sistrix's eHow numbers"significantly overstated," though the company's stock hit a new low on Monday. Mathew Ingram said investors have reason to worry, as Demand's success seems to be at the mercy of Google's every algorithm tweak.
A Pulitzer first: The Pulitzer Prizes were announced this week, and while the awards were spread pretty broadly among several news organizations, there were a couple of themes to note, Synthroid No Rx. As Felix Salmon and others pointed out, buy generic Synthroid, an abnormally large share of the awards went to business journalism, a trend the Columbia Journalism Review's Dean Starkman opined on in a bit more detail.
The biggest prize from a future-of-news perspective may have gone to ProPublica, whose series on some of the machinations that worsened the financial crisis was the first Pulitzer winner to never appear in print. Purchase Synthroid online, The Lab's Justin Ellis noted that other winners are including significant multimedia components, perhaps signaling a shift in the emphasis of one of journalism's most elite institutions. If you were wondering where WikiLeaks was in all this, well, the New York Times didn't submit its WikiLeaks-based coverage.
Reading roundup Synthroid No Rx, : No huge stories this week, but a few little things that are worth noting:
— Your weekly AOL/Huffington Post update: Jonathan Tasini came out swinging again regarding his lawsuit on behalf of unpaid HuffPo bloggers, Business Insider's Glynnis MacNicol responded in kind, Eric Snider told the story of getting axed from AOL's now-defunct Cinematical blog, and HuffPo unveiled features allowing readers to follow topics and writers.
— Missouri j-school students are chafing against requirements that they buy an iPad (they previously had to buy iPod Touches, canada, mexico, india, and they called that plan a bust). Meanwhile, Ben LaMothe of 10,000 Words had three ideas of social media skills that j-schools should teach.
— A weird little fake-URL spoof turned into an interesting discussion about the possibility of libel through fake URLs, in thoughtful posts by both the Lab's Andrew Phelps and TechCrunch's Paul Carr.
— Two interesting data points on news innovation: A group led by Daniel Bachhuber put together some fascinating figures about and perspectives from Knight News Challenge grant recipients. And journalism researchers Seth Lewis and Tanja Aitamurto wrote at the Lab about news organizations using open API as a sort of external R&D department.
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