[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Diflucan Over The Counter, on May 14, 2010.]
Google's attempt to save the news: There weren't a whole lot of newsy events around journalism to report this week, so we'll start off with the most significant think piece: James Fallows' opus in The Atlantic on Google's efforts to come to the news industry's aid.
Fallows, a veteran journalist and media critic, spent the last year talking to Google engineers and execs about their relationship with the news media, and he came out remarkably optimistic. In a 9, Comprar en línea Diflucan, comprar Diflucan baratos, 000-word piece, Fallows examines the news industry's struggles from Google's perspective, outlines their principles for a way forward — distribution, engagement and monetization — and briefly highlights five of their recent news-oriented projects: Living Stories, Fast Flip, YouTube Direct, online display ads and paid-content logistics, Diflucan cost. He concludes by noting a few of Google's paradoxical stances, which he calls "major and encouraging developments" for the news business:
"The organization that dominates the online-advertising world says that much more online-ad money can be flowing to news organizations. The company whose standard price to consumers is zero says that subscribers can and will pay for news. The name that has symbolized disruption of established media says it sees direct self-interest in helping the struggling journalism business."
Reaction on the piece for future-of-journalism folks ran the gamut, from "absolute must-read" endorsements to groans at the article's years-old concepts. And in a way, both sides are right: To those closely following the journalism-in-tradition scene, there's really no news in this piece, Diflucan Over The Counter. The Google officials' perspectives on why the news is broken and what needs to be done about it are familiar enough to have become conventional wisdom among people thinking about journalism and technology. Diflucan steet value, (Fallows even acknowledges this in a few spots.) But at the same time, Fallows summarizes that relatively new conventional wisdom in a comprehensive, readable way, making the piece a brilliant primer on where the news on the web stands right now. For the insider, this is ho-hum stuff; for everyone else, this is an ideal introduction to the subject.
Journalism prof and digital media expert Jeff Jarvis, who's written his own book on Google, is Diflucan addictive, is in the 'must-read' camp, citing Fallows' impressions as evidence that Google is a friend to the news business. Jason Fry and All Things Digital's Peter Kafka are more skeptical, questioning Google's ability to actually turn the industry around.
Fry notes that publishers are unorganized and tentative, making industry-wide solutions difficult to implement, Where can i cheapest Diflucan online, and Kafka says that even with Google's help, online ads aren't likely to be valuable enough to support substantive newsgathering. The Awl's Choire Sicha makes a similar point, while using Google's statistics to point out the folly of news organizations' editorial cuts over the past few years.
Mediocre reviews for iPad apps Diflucan Over The Counter, : It's been a month and a half now since the iPad was released, and we're starting to get beyond the "first impressions" phase of the reviews of news organizations' iPad apps. News business guru Alan Mutter combed through the reviews and ratings at Apple's app store to evaluate the 10 most popular news apps, and found that apps by European outlets and broadcasters are most well-liked, and pay apps aren't too popular, buy generic Diflucan.
If you want to succeed on the iPad, he said, you have to go beyond the look and feel of your legacy product and offer some more value, especially if you're going to charge: "Consumers are smart enough to tell when a publisher slaps a premium price on recycled print or web content – and they won’t go for it."
Usability expert Jakob Nielsen took a more thorough look at iPad apps, releasing a 93-page report on a few dozen apps from media companies and elsewhere. About Diflucan, His summary is pretty illuminating: He found that designers have tried to outdo themselves with clever interaction techniques, leading to a whole lot of confusion about how to navigate apps. (New York Times designer Alexis Lloyd disagreed with Nielsen's emphasis on simplicity, arguing that experimentation is more important right now.) Nielsen also concluded, like Mutter, that designers are relying too much on a print-based concept revolving around the "next article" idea, which he argued doesn't make sense on mobile media, Diflucan images.
After fiddling around with the iPad for a few weeks, the Lab's Jason Fry discovered that the iPad's killer app may not be its apps at all, but instead its lightning-fast, easy-to-use browser, Diflucan Over The Counter. That might put news orgs in an awkward spot, Fry wrote, after hanging their hats on apps: They still can't compete with their own (free) websites on the iPad.
Dissecting Newsweek's downfall: Commentary continued to roll in on last week's news that The Washington Post Co. will try to sell Newsweek, Buy cheap Diflucan no rx, starting with a column by Newsweek's editor, Jon Meacham. He defended the magazine against its doomsayers, pointed out that it hasn't closed and arguing that if the economic climate were better, it would be profitable. Diflucan Over The Counter, He also made a case for Newsweek's continued existence, saying it "means something to the country" and represents an opportunity to bring a large number of otherwise fragmented Americans together to focus on common topics. The magazine's task now, he wrote, online buying Diflucan, was to find a business model to sustain that role. (Journalism prof Jay Rosen was not impressed.)
Others continued to chime in with their opinions about why Newsweek failed: Blogging pioneer Dave Winer said it was a lack of innovation stemming from a corporate mindset, and Harvard Business Review writer (and former Newsweek staffer) Dan McGinn said the demise of U.S. News & World Report as a rival hurt, too. Buy Diflucan from canada, Forbes' Trevor Butterworth and blogger Greg Satell both hit on a different idea: There was no there there. Butterworth made a striking comparison of the amount of content in an issue of Newsweek and the Economist, and Satell compared Newsweek with Foreign Affairs and the Atlantic, two magazines whose upscale readership Meacham has coveted. "The notion that offering a magazine consisting mainly of one-page opinion pieces would attract a better quality audience than reporting flies in the face of any apparent media reality," Satell wrote, Diflucan Over The Counter.
Meanwhile, the discussion of possible buyers began to build. Yahoo's Michael Calderone shot down media moguls Rupert Murdoch, Philip Anschutz and Carlos Slim Helu as options and raised the possibility of a bid by Michael Bloomberg. A few days later, The New York Observer revealed that Thomson Reuters and Politico owner Allbritton Communications were interested, order Diflucan online c.o.d, and The Wall Street Journal reported that Univision owner and billionaire investor Haim Saban is interested, too.
Facebook privacy fury builds: An update on the ongoing consternation over Facebook's latest privacy breach: IBM developer Matt McKeon and The New York Times' Guilbert Gates provided striking visual depictions of Facebook's advances against privacy and the hoops its users have to jump through to maintain it. Facebook (sort of) answered users' privacy questions at The New York Times and held an internal meeting Diflucan Over The Counter, about privacy Thursday.
But the cries about privacy violations continue unabated. GigaOm's Liz Gannes said Facebook's Times Q&A wasn't sufficiently conciliatory, and All Facebook called for Instant Personalization to become opt-in, Diflucan reviews, rather than opt-out. Others went further, quitting Facebook and calling for an open alternative. Four NYU students were happy to oblige them, becoming almost literally an overnight sensation and raising $100,000 this week for a decentralized Facebook alternative called Diaspora* on the back of a New York Times profile and plenty of tech-blog hype.
Jeff Jarvis offered a smart analysis of why Facebook is rubbing so many people the wrong way: It's confusing the public sphere (the type of public we usually think of when we think of the word "public") with the "publics" we create for ourselves when we build networks of our friends and family on Facebook.
Jarvis explains the difference well: "When I blog something, canada, mexico, india, I am publishing it to the world for anyone and everyone to see: the more the better, is the assumption. But when I put something on Facebook my assumption had been that I was sharing it just with the public I created and control there. That public is private."
Reading roundup: A few quick hits on pieces you should make sure to catch this week:
— The Wall Street Journal is one of the first newspapers to try to do some significant location-based news innovation with Foursquare, and the Lab's Megan Garber has a good overview of what they have going, Diflucan Over The Counter.
— The Huffington Post turned five this week, and The Columbia Journalism Review put together five reflections on its impact to mark the occasion. CJR also published a lengthy examination of the state of nonprofit investigative journalism, Kjøpe Diflucan på nett, köpa Diflucan online, focusing on California Watch and The Center for Public Integrity.
— Columbia professor Michael Schudson, who co-authored a major study of the state of journalism published last fall, talked some more about several aspects of "the new news ecosystem" in a Q&A with The Common Review.
— Finally, a piece I missed last week: Longtime Salon writer Scott Rosenberg gave a speech at a Stanford conference that thoughtfully delineates a 21st-century definition of journalism. Here's the one-sentence version: "You’re doing journalism when you’re delivering an accurate and timely account of some event to some public.".
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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Cipro Price, on April 23, 2010.]
Facebook tries to connect the web: Most of the talk on journalism and the web this week was about two tech giants making moves that, for the most part, aren’t making users and commentators happy. The first one I’ll run down is Facebook — its moves this week aren’t as directly tied to journalism as Apple’s, but their scope seems a lot larger. On Wednesday, Purchase Cipro, Facebook unveiled a set of tools that will allow its site to be integrated across the web by remembering users’ preferences and tying them all together through their Facebook accounts. GigaOm’s Liz Gannes and Om Malik have helpful overviews of the individual social features and Facebook’s larger plans.
What this means is that you’re going to be seeing a ton of Facebook around the internet and a ton of data — much of it personal — sent through Facebook’s connections. As tech guru Robert Scoble writes, this appears to be an incredibly ambitious move that could transform the look and feel of the web. Marshall Kirkpatrick of ReadWriteWeb notes that while it’s hard to find fault initially with anything specific about Facebook’s announcement, people are going to justifiably be concerned with the fact that the material Facebook is using to make the web social is formerly private information from its users.
And within the first day of commentary, order Cipro from United States pharmacy, a lot of people were concerned. TechCrunch’s MG Siegler thought Facebook took control of the internet with the move, saying that it’s backing up its assertion that “social connections are going to be just as important going forward as hyperlinks have been for the web.” Liz Gannes said Facebook’s asking for a lot of trust from developers and later pinpointed its “instant personalization” as the main privacy problem, Cipro Price. Both Dave Winer and Robert Scoble marveled at Facebook’s audacity and the niftiness of its API, but both had big concerns about seeing so much power and data given to one company. Ordering Cipro online, Winer summed the position well: “Facebook is to be the identity system for the web. A company. That just can’t work. I can’t believe he doesn’t know that.”
Cipro Price, So what does this mean for news orgs? In a post for ReadWriteWeb, Facebook marketer Chris Treadway took a first stab at an answer. Facebook is making social media (and itself in particular) pervasive across the web, Treadway argues, so it has to be a top consideration when designing, developing and creating content for newspapers. He says newspapers need to hire not just web developers, but Facebook developers. “The decline of those news sources that fail to realize the necessary potential of Facebook will be swift. … It’s becoming a necessary core competency, Cipro used for, and fast.”
On the privacy front, a few people explained exactly which of Facebook’s new features might be problematic: The aforementioned Liz Gannes on "instant personalization"; paidContent’s Joseph Tarkatoff on allowing other sites to hold onto Facebook users’ data; grad student Arnab Nandi on “liking” sites you’ve never visited; and Mashable’s Christina Warren on the Open Graph API. Warren nails the essential change in Facebook privacy: “Public no longer means ‘public on Facebook, Order Cipro no prescription, ’ it means ‘public in the Facebook ecosystem.’”
The iPad’s control over news apps: The other big tech company to draw criticism this week was Apple, for the continued controversy over its control over iPhone and iPad apps. About the time this post went up last Friday, we found out that Apple was reconsidering the iPhone app by Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Mark Fiore, which it initially rejected for mocking public figures, about Cipro. (Here are The New York Times’ and the Lab’s reports of the news.) Later that day, Apple chief Steve Jobs called the rejection a mistake, Cipro Price. And a few days later, Fiore’s app was approved.
Several people used the episode as a window into the larger issue of Apple’s control over apps on the iPhone or iPad. The Columbia Journalism Review’s Ryan Chittum called for all news orgs to remove their apps in protest: The press, Cipro duration, he said, “would never let the government have such power over its right to publish. It shouldn’t let any corporation have it, either.”Media critic Dan Gillmor asked several major news orgs whether Apple has the power to disable their iPad apps and heard nothing back. And CNET’s Erica Ogg wondered if publishers’ embrace of the iPad will give Apple even more of an upper hand.
In other iPad-related bits, real brand Cipro online, a CNET panel of reporters discussed that (seemingly) age-old question of whether it can save newspapers and magazines, and Jennifer McFadden looked at some hard numbers and concluded that the answer is probably no. Cipro Price, Meanwhile, PR exec Steve Rubel took a mostly positive look at three trends the iPad might accelerate.
A search for investigative reporting funding: Cal-Berkeley held its annual Reva and David Logan Investigative Reporting Symposium last weekend, and it touched on some very timely topics as the news ecosystem expands to include more nontraditional sources. Chris O’Brien provided quite a bit of coverage for PBS MediaShift, Discount Cipro, writing detailed summaries of the back-and-forth exchanges on several panels. His day-one post includes discussions of collaboration between news orgs, the consequences of investigative reporting, and funding sources, and his day-two edition covers a panel on new investigative initiatives.
In a post written after the event, order Cipro online overnight delivery no prescription, O’Brien zeroed in on one of those initiatives, WikiLeaks, coming away impressed that the whistle-blowing organization professionally vets its tips and has carefully structured itself to be protected from lawsuits. Low dose Cipro, He also looked more closely at two of the nonprofits talked about in the symposium’s panels, ProPublica and the new Bay Citizen. He remained a bit skeptical about the Bay Citizen but noted its editor’s statement that the nonprofit model is becoming more viable as private capital from investors for journalism — as opposed to aggregation — dries up.
The Lab’s Laura McGann also wrote about the day-one panel on funding sources, focusing on the broad-based, experimental revenue-generating philosophy that one panelist described as “revenue promiscuity.”
NYU prof and web thinker Clay Shirky and veteran journalist Walter Robinson also talked about the future of investigative journalism this week at Harvard, buy Cipro online cod, and the Lab had the audio and transcript. The two talked about the Boston Globe’s work to uncover Boston’s priest abuse scandal, and Laura McGann summarized the reasons they said a small online news org would have a tough time doing the same thing, Cipro Price. The whole thing’s well worth a read/listen if you’re interested in the future of accountability journalism by nontraditional sources.
Reading roundup: We had a ton of interesting pieces this week that didn’t fit very well in a larger item, so I’ll pull them all together into a longer-than-usual reading roundup.
— The Associated Press, Cipro coupon, arbiter of much of American newsrooms’ copy style, announced it was changing “Web site” to “website.” Among journalists who hang out online, the news was mostly met with glee. Poynter’s Mallary Jean Tenore got some reaction, and the Online Journalism Review’s Robert Niles said young journalists need to spend more time learning SEO (search engine optimization) style than AP style.
— A sequel to the “hot news doctrine” case we looked at last month: Dow Jones sued Briefing.com for aggregating and summarizing content from their financial newswire under the same doctrine, Cipro schedule. Here’s the story from Bloomberg, the Citizen Media Law Project and paidContent, which has a copy of the suit.
— Here’s a few cool curated resources you might find helpful: Josh Stearns put together a list of collaborations between news outlets, Cipro australia, uk, us, usa, Columbia j-prof Sree Sreenivasan compiled social media tips for journalists (Kaukab Jhumra Smith has a shorter version), and USC j-prof David Westphal has a comprehensive list of public policy and funding ideas for journalism.
— Two interesting future-of-journalism case studies: One by Cindy Royal of Texas State-San Marcos on The New York Times interactive news technology department, and the other by J-Lab’s Jan Schaffer on the Philadelphia news ecosystem.
— Salon vet and blogging historian Scott Rosenberg launched MediaBugs, an open-source service that tracks media errors with the aim of correcting them more quickly and reliably. Poynter and the Lab both have write-ups.
— News business analyst Alan Mutter provides a critique of several of the most popular online paid-content models right now, then concludes that “it won’t matter what pay model publishers choose, unless they produce unique and compelling content, tools or applications that readers can’t find anywhere else.”
— Finally, two neat ideas to give some thought: Open-government activist David Eaves ably dissects five old-media myths about journalism and new media, and the Lab’s Megan Garber goes through the attributes that writer Dave Eggers associates with print, pointing out that those principles could apply just as well to the web. “They offer insights into what many consumers want out of news in general, regardless of platform,” she writes, as well as “a challenge to (and, more optimistically, a vision for) news organizations and web designers alike.”
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