1 posts
June 1st, 2012

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Buy Bactrim No Prescription, on April 6, 2012.]

Are read-it-later programs fair to publishers?: A brief controversy involving the offline reading app Readability brought to light some of the conflicts between publishers and those who present their content this week. It started last Friday, when Andy Faust of AppAdvice noticed that when Readability presents an article that you’ve saved to read later, it gives it to you from its own servers, without any prominent links to the original source. Daring Fireball’s John Gruber picked up the story and called Readability “scumbags” who “steal page views,” later saying his problem with Readability was that it presented its arrangement with publishers in dishonest terms, after Bactrim. ReadWriteWeb’s Jon Mitchell chimed in to warn that Readability and other apps like it are walking a fine line between useful tool and unfair middleman.

One of the larger underlying issues to this fight is nature of Readability’s model — as Mitchell explained, it’s free with an optional paid version, and it distributes a portion of the revenues proportionally among the publishers whose articles are saved, but only if they sign up to receive it. Make sense, Buy Bactrim No Prescription. Discount Bactrim, Good.

Readability responded to this criticism by adding direct links to the original publisher’s site and by reasserting the value of its financial model, particularly the fact that it pays some of the publishers of the content that gets shared on its apps. (This was something that online campaign organizer Clay Johnson also emphasized.) Anil Dash, a Readability adviser, offered a defense of the company, arguing that the tech world drags itself down with pointless inter-company squabbles, buy Bactrim online no prescription, and tech pioneer Dave Winer also said the whole thing is being blown out of proportion. Tech writer Ben Brooks countered Dash by saying that the issues surrounding Readability are big ones, particularly what happens to its unclaimed money. Buy Bactrim No Prescription, There were a few bigger-picture takes worth checking out on this issue. GigaOM’s Mathew Ingram wondered why publishers don’t take advantage of Readability’s program (or at least design a competitor), and ReadWriteWeb’s Mitchell wrote that while publishers shouldn’t be happy with Readability and Instapaper’s models, Buy Bactrim without a prescription, the primary onus is on them to give readers what they want: “If publishers want to stem the tide of impressions and money lost to read-later services, their sites need to not suck.” Newsvine CEO Mike Davidson made a similar point, saying that “this whole episode is a good reminder that the problems of the publishing industry haven’t gone away just because the world has gone digital. In fact, personal archiving is an example of a way it’s gotten worse.”


News Corp. takes another hit: As News Corp.’s phone-hacking scandal shifts toward bribery and, most recently, Bactrim photos, satellite piracy, Capital New York’s Tom McGeveran explained what this new scandal is and why it may be more damaging than the original one. Meanwhile, the News Corp. empire suffered another blow, as Rupert Murdoch’s son, James, resigned as chairman of BSkyB, the company’s largest broadcasting arm, just six weeks after he did the same thing with its British newspaper division, News International, Buy Bactrim No Prescription.

Several journalists helped us understand what the move means: NPR’s David Folkenflik highlighted the importance of BSkyB to the Murdoch empire, Bactrim without prescription, and the Guardian’s Dan Sabbagh explained that News Corp. is doing everything it can to keep BSkyB immune from its scandals. The BBC’s Robert Peston said James Murdoch’s resignation was voluntary and wasn’t prompted by the upcoming government report on the phone-hacking scandal, and Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff gave the backstory of the politics between Rupert and James Murdoch.

Elsewhere, a group of investors filed a formal call to replace Rupert Murdoch as News Corp. Buy Bactrim No Prescription, chairman with an independent official, and it appears as though Rupert and James will be called to testify before the hacking scandal inquiry in the next few weeks. In the Guardian, Bactrim recreational, Michael Wolff decried the American media’s apathy toward the scandals, and in an interesting tangential story, the document annotation and sharing site DocumentCloud took down the documents that broke the satellite piracy scandal because of a legal threat.


Philly papers’ startling price drop: Two of America’s iconic newspapers were sold again this week, and for many observers, Bactrim no rx, it was a reminder of how far the industry has fallen. The Philadelphia Media Network, which publishes the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and their shared website, was sold for the fourth time in six years to a small group of investors that includes a few prominent local political figures.

The group had most prominently included former Philadelphia mayor and Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell, Bactrim without a prescription, but he backed off after many people (including inside the papers’ newsrooms) voiced concern about possible political meddling. The Inquirer has the most comprehensive story on the sale, in which the new owners said they don’t want to run the papers, but simply want to preserve them for the community’s benefit, Buy Bactrim No Prescription. The new owners also voiced to Poynter their commitment to invest more money into the paper, met with employees to try to reassure them, and brought back former editor Bill Marimow, who is known for his commitment to investigative journalism. Buying Bactrim online over the counter, What got most people’s attention, though, was the price — $55 million. That’s barely 10 percent of the papers’ 2006 sale price, and the same price they were sold for in 1969. Both media analyst Alan Mutter and Forbes’ Brian Solomon remarked on the massive loss in value and detailed what went wrong.


Darts and laurels in Trayvon Martin coverage: A few notes on the ongoing story of Trayvon Martin’s killing: Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism released a report Buy Bactrim No Prescription,  on how traditional media and social media have looked at the story, and it had a few interesting takeaways. First, Bactrim images, the story didn’t hit the public consciousness until a couple of weeks after the incident — but when it did, it blew up almost immediately. Second, blogs focused on racial aspects of the story, while Twitter was dominated by outrage at Zimmerman, Bactrim long term, and cable news and talk radio were focused on gun control and legal issues. And finally, there’s been a great disparity in the amount of coverage among the cable channels — tons on MSNBC, some on CNN, and much less on Fox News.

The New York Times’ David Carr lamented the sorry state of discourse surrounding the story, asking, order Bactrim from United States pharmacy“What happened to the village common, a place where we all meet with different opinions but the same set of facts. It seems to have gone missing.” The Atlantic’s Elspeth Reeve pushed back against his complaints, Buy Bactrim No Prescription. Meanwhile, the Columbia Journalism Review published a remarkably comprehensive guide to the best journalism on the case, and critiqued the Orlando Sentinel’s coverage. Buy no prescription Bactrim online,

Reading roundup: There’s loads and loads of other stuff worth keeping up on this week, so I’ll try to go through it as quickly as possible:

— Less than a year into their relationship, the liberal cable channel Current TVfired former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann late last week. Here’s Olbermann’s response, the emails that led up to the decision, and David Carr’s explanation of why Olbermann will get hired again by someone.

— A couple of interesting studies, doses Bactrim work, one on the production end and one on the consumption end: The American Society of News Editors released its annual survey of newsroom employment, and Poynter and Alan Mutter put the numbers in context regarding diversity and newsroom contraction, respectively. The other was a Pew study on e-reading Buy Bactrim No Prescription, , helpfully interpreted by Amy Gahran at CNN and Megan Garber of The Atlantic.

— Two interesting entries in Findings’ series on the future of reading: Wired columnist Clive Thompson, who generated smart responses from Robin Sloan and GigaOM’s Mathew Ingram, and NYU prof Clay Shirky, who also spoke with the Guardian about open journalism last weekend in a video that’s now up in snippets and in full.

— One of the leading groups representing the magazine industry announced guidelines for collecting user data on tablets. Here are the reports on the new standards from The New York Times and Adweek. And the American Journalism Review ran a feature on tablets as the big second chance for news orgs that have blown the transition to digital media.

— A few particularly helpful resources this week: At PBS MediaShift, Josh Stearns has written two parts of a guide to news media collaboration, and has a great how-to on verifying information from social media.

— And two longer pieces to ponder: A Lab article highlighting a new paper identifying 27 computing concepts that could apply to journalism, and an engrossing interview by The Verge of The New York Times’ David Carr. Both are well worth your time this weekend.

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June 1st, 2012

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Order Zoloft, on March 9, 2012.]

After a week off last week, this week's review covers the past two weeks.

Cultural roots of news' revenue problems: Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism released this week one of the more interesting of its recent studies on the financial state of newspapers: It used (anonymized) private data from 38 newspapers and numerous interviews to paint a picture of how newspapers are fitting together the revenue puzzle online. The news, as usual, wasn't good. The big takeaway stat is that for every dollar newspapers are gaining in digital revenue, they're losing $7 in print revenue.

The Lab's Justin Ellis pulled together some of the other highlights from the report: Mobile isn't big money yet, Zoloft reviews, digital revenue is still dominated by classified and display ads, and most newspapers have adopted Groupon or one of its daily-deal clones, with mixed results. PaidContent's Staci Kramer critiqued the study for not touching on paid-content plans, but came up with a good (though depressing summary): "some papers are less screwed than others right now; all of them face a reckoning but some will postpone it longer than others; some papers have lots of room to grow with digital revenue because they’re so far behind; and some view running a modern newspaper as the equivalent of strip mining."

Based on those dispiriting findings, Gawker's Hamilton Nolan offered a few predictions for the next several years of the newspaper business: Newspapers will survive and eventually stabilize, but with much smaller staffs, ubiquitous paywalls, and a few mid-sized metro closings, Order Zoloft.

Another area of the study that got a lot of attention was its emphasis on "culture wars" between print and the web as a persistent obstacle to change. Poynter's Rick Edmonds said a faster culture-change approach seems to be working at previously struggling properties like the Journal Register Co., but outfits that still have strong print operations need to strike a tougher balance. Zoloft price, GigaOM's Mathew Ingram said the best way to fight cultural inertia is to put the digital folks in charge, and Michele McLellan of the Knight Digital Media Center advised news orgs to stop ostracizing the innovators and start ostracizing the curmudgeons.

More momentum for paywalls: A year after the New York Times launched its influential paid-content plan, newspaper paywalls may be reaching critical mass. Order Zoloft, The Los Angeles Times announced a new paywall that launched this week, and like just about everyone else right now, it's following the Times' metered model: 15 free articles each month, then an initial charge of 99 cents a week that goes up to $1.99 a week (with a Sunday newspaper thrown in). The Times is calling its plan not a paywall, but a "membership program," which Spot.Us' David Cohn saw as an important rhetorical shift.

Several other papers announced moves into paid content, where to buy Zoloft, too: As Poynter's Jeff Sonderman noted, the Washington Post's new politics iPad app charges users $2.99 a month for its full features, the paper's deepest foray yet into charging for digital content. Rhode Island's Providence Journal launched a paywall built around a digital replica of the print edition. Gannett also announced its coming company-wide paywalls last month, which, Purchase Zoloft for sale, as the Lab's Justin Ellis reported, may be banking on the success of its smaller papers. And at News Corp., the hard-paywalled Times of London is watching the New York Times' metered model closely, and Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan noticed the paywalled Wall Street Journal is pulling back on what Google readers can see for free, Order Zoloft.

All these varied developments, of course, make what the news industry calls a Trend™, so we had features on the rise of newspaper paywalls in the Wall Street JournalChristian Science Monitor, and The Wrap. The (paywalled) Journal was pretty bullish on their prospect, while the (mostly non-paywalled) Monitor and Wrap emphasized the continued skepticism. Several small-newspaper execs chimed in supporting paywalls, including Keith Foutz at Editor & Publisher and others covered by NetNewsCheck, as did Warren Buffett, Rx free Zoloft, new owner of the newly paywalled Omaha World-Herald. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram pushed back against Buffett in particular.

Poynter's Rick Edmonds pointed out an interesting element Order Zoloft, of the paywall rush—many of these regional newspapers are developing their plans in close consultation with one another. He focused on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Boston Globe's roles as models for other regional newspapers. Poynter's Mallary Jean Tenore, meanwhile, looked at a practical aspect of paywall implementation—how those newspapers' social media efforts work with (and around) their paywall plans.

Apple's new iPad and new warning: Apple unveiled the newest version of its iPad this week, as well as an update to Apple TV. Bloomberg and the New York Times have the best summaries of what exactly Apple announced and how it differs from what came before: As the Times' Sam Grobart wrote, Zoloft dosage, this was a "plumbing event," where the biggest innovations were under the hood with the infrastructure of Apple's products.

For Apple, the event was about trying to push the iPad as the gateway to the "post-PC" world: It pointed out that it sold more iPads last quarter than any PC manufacturer sold of their PCs. At TechCrunch, MG Siegler said that rhetoric (and those stats) need to be taken seriously, and ReadWriteWeb's Dan Frommer said this could be Apple's chance to build something bigger than the PC market ever was, Order Zoloft. Larry Dignan said it's not just PCs that the new iPad is competing with, but pretty much everyone. Zoloft street price, Unfortunately for Apple, that probably wasn't the biggest news about the company this week. The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Department of Justice has warned Apple and five of the nation's largest book publishers that it's planning to sue them for antitrust violations regarding Apple's model for iPad e-book prices that allows wholesales to dictate prices directly. PaidContent has a handy Q&A Order Zoloft, on the issue, and Wired's Tim Carmody looked at the uphill battle the DOJ may be facing.

News Corp.'s culture of corruption: The developments in News Corp.'s ongoing scandal are still coming fast and furious. The biggest of those in the past two weeks was the news that Rupert Murdoch's son, James, was stepping down as head of News International, Zoloft treatment, the company's British newspaper arm that's been at the center of the scandal.

As the New York Times reported, the company portrayed the move as a routine jump across the Atlantic to work on its international TV properties, but others saw it as an attempt to protect James Murdoch from the scandal's fallout. Disgruntled shareholders are still working to oust James from the company altogether, and the BBC's Robert Preston pointed out that rather than receding from the spotlight in the wake of the scandal, the 80-year-old Rupert is actually taking on even more control. Zoloft use, James Murdoch's move came after some new allegations last week from a top police investigator that News Corp.'s Sun had a "culture of illegal payments" to a broad network of government officials from the paper's highest levels. According to the Guardian, those new allegations increased the chance of a possible U.S, Order Zoloft. prosecution of News Corp., and an 11th Sun reporter was arrested in Britain for illegal payments last week. Meanwhile, we're finding out the phone hacking may have extended to competing British newspapers, and Britain's judicial Leveson Inquiry, which is investigating News Corp., is also preparing to call top News Corp, where can i cheapest Zoloft online. execs, including Rupert Murdoch, for testimony later this spring.

The public and professional value of linking: The intermittent debate over the relative value of linking in journalism flared up again last week, leading to some particularly thoughtful pieces on the subject. Order Zoloft, It started after the Wall Street Journal didn't credit tech blogger MG Siegler for a scoop he had, prompting a lengthy discussion on Twitter, Storified by Mathew Ingram, over whether news orgs should link to competitors who beat them to a story.

Ingram argued in a subsequent post that even if scoops aren't as important as journalists think they are, Zoloft from canadian pharmacy, the failure to link to a competitor's scoop is a dishonest suggestion that they came by the information independently. Reuters' Felix Salmon responded with an insightful piece on journalistic sourcing that concluded that such linking is usually more of a courtesy: "commodity news is a commodity: facts are in the public domain, and don’t belong to anybody."

Mother Jones' Kevin Drum and Poynter's Steve Myers agreed with Salmon, while Digital First's Steve Buttry and web philosopher David Weinberger echoed some of Ingram's points. Weinberger argued that places like the Journal are failing to link based on a need to protect their authority over knowledge, rather than sharing it with the public, and that "Links are a public good. They create a web that is increasingly rich, useful, where can i buy Zoloft online, diverse, and trustworthy. We should all feel an obligation to be caretakers of and contributors to this new linked public."

WikiLeaks' Anonymous partnership: WikiLeaks made its latest document release last week with five million emails from the private global intelligence firm Stratfor, acquired by hackers from the group Anonymous who breached the company's servers late last year. WikiLeaks worked with 25 media partners on this release, including McClatchy and Rolling Stone in the U.S. Wired's Quinn Norton reported on the connection between Anonymous and WikiLeaks, which Gawker called the most interesting thing to come out of this leak, Order Zoloft.

Others seemed to agree — mostly on the boredom of the rest of the leak. Zoloft trusted pharmacy reviews, Reuters' Jack Shafer and Foreign Policy's Daniel Drezner gave it a yawn, while the Atlantic's Max Fisher called WikiLeaks a "joke" for taking Stratfor seriously. Yossi Melman of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz told the story of how he became an enemy of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange by getting his hands on the diplomatic cables, and with WikiLeaks on the wane, GigaOM's Mathew Ingram asked what the organization means in the long run.

Reading roundup: I've tried to cram a ton of news into this week's review, so I'll run through the miscellaneous bits pretty quickly:

— Conservative digital media mogul Andrew Breitbart died suddenly last week at 43. Order Zoloft, We're not so much interested in what he meant to the culture wars as his imprint on the online news environment, and it was sizable—he helped launch the Huffington Post, helped undermine the traditional media's gatekeeping authority, and made it his career goal to "go out and create our media."

— It's been two weeks now, but I wanted to note that NPR put out a new ethics policy focusing on balance, transparency, and clarification, among other principles. J-prof Jay Rosen loved the changes, order Zoloft from mexican pharmacy, calling them a win for truth-seeking over "he said, she said" journalism.

— The discussion of Google+ as a "virtual ghost town" continues, with the Wall Street Journal reporting on the social network's struggles and Google countering that image by reframing Google+'s purpose. TechCrunch's Josh Constine explained why Google may not care if people stick around at Google+.

— Last week's monthly Carnival of Journalism focused on the digital trends that are likely to shape journalism over the next few years, and Steve Outing's Storified list of the predictions is a great array of thoughts about what's next in the field.

— Finally, a couple of cool resources: One from the Columbia Journalism Review on countering misinformation in the news, and another huge set of tools and tutorials for journalists and programmers from last month's NICAR conference.

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September 16th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Cipro Dosage, on Sept. 16, 2011.]

Paid and free, side by side: The Boston Globe became the latest news organization to institute an online paywall this week, but it did so in an unprecedented way that should be interesting to watch: The newspaper created a separate paid site,, Order Cipro from United States pharmacy, to run alongside its existing free site, PaidContent has the pertinent details: A single price ($3.99 a week), and gets most of the breaking news and sports, while gets most of the newspaper content. The Lab's Justin Ellis, meanwhile, buy no prescription Cipro online, has a look at the lab that designed it all.

As the Globe told Poynter's Jeff Sonderman, the two sites were designed with two different types of readers in mind: One who has a deep appreciation for in-depth journalism and likes to read stories start-to-finish, and another who reads news casually and briefly and may be more concerned about entertainment or basic information than journalism per se.

The first thing that caught many people's attention was new site's design — simple, clean, and understated, Cipro Dosage. Tech blogger John Gruber gave it a thumbs-up, Buy Cipro without prescription, and news design guru Mario Garcia called it "probably the most significant new website design in a long time." The Lab's Joshua Benton identified the biggest reasons it looks so clean: Far fewer links and ads.

Benton (in the most comprehensive post on the new site) also emphasized a less noticeable but equally important aspect of's design: It adjusts to fit just about any browser size, which eliminates the need for mobile apps, making life easier for programmers and, as j-prof Dan Kennedy noted at the Lab, a way around the cut of app fees required by Apple and others. If the Globe's people "have figured out a way not to share their hard-earned revenues with gatekeepers such as Apple and Amazon, then they will have truly performed a service for the news business — and for journalism, Cipro trusted pharmacy reviews," Kennedy said.

Of course, the Globe could launch the most brilliantly conceived news site on the web, but it won't be a success unless enough people pay for it. Poynter's Sonderman (like Kennedy) was skeptical of their ability to do that, Ordering Cipro online, though as the Atlantic's Rebecca Rosen pointed out, the Globe's plan may be aimed as much at retaining print subscribers as making money off the web. The Washington Post's Erik Wemple wondered Cipro Dosage, if readers will find enough at that's not at to make the site worth their money.

The TechCrunch conflict and changing ethical standardsLast week's flap between AOL and TechCrunch over the tech site's ethical conflicts came to an official resolution on Monday, when TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington parted ways with AOL, the site's owner. But its full effects are going to be rippling for quite a while: Gawker's Ryan Tate called the fiasco a black eye for everyone involved, but especially AOL, Cipro samples, which had approved Arrington's investments in some of the companies he covers just a few months ago. Fellow media mogul Barry Diller also ripped AOL's handling of the situation.

At the Guardian, Dan Gillmor said that while he doesn't trust TechCrunch much personally, it's the audience's job to sort out their trust with the help of transparency, Cipro recreational, rather than traditional journalism's strictures. Others placed more of the blame on TechCrunch: Former Newsweek tech editor Dan Lyons said TechCrunch's people should have expected this type of scenario when they sold to a big corporation, and media analyst Frederic Filloux said TechCrunch is a perfect example of the blogosphere's vulnerability to unchecked conflicts of interest.

There was more fuel for those kinds of ethical concerns this week, as the winning company at TechCrunch's annual Disrupt competition was one that Arrington invests in, Cipro Dosage. But Arrington had an ethical accusation of his own to make at the conference, pointing out that the New York Times invests in a tech venture capital fund which has put $3.5 million into GigaOM, a TechCrunch competitor. Poynter's Steve Myers detailed the Times' run-ins between the companies it invests in and the ones it covers (and its spotty disclosure about those connections), concluding that even if the conflict is less direct than in blogging, comprar en línea Cipro, comprar Cipro baratos, it's still worth examining more closely.

As it plunged further into its battle with TechCrunch late last week, AOL was also reported to be talking with Yahoo, which recently fired its CEO, about a merger between the two Internet giants. Cheap Cipro no rx, All Things Digital's Kara Swisher said there's no way the deal would actually happen, and Wired's Tim Carmody called it a "spectacularly crazy idea" and GigaOM's Mathew Ingram agreed, while Business Insider reminded us that they said a year ago that AOL and Yahoo should merge. Cipro Dosage, Meanwhile, the New York Times' David Carr homed in on the core problem that both companies are facing: The fact that people want information online from niche sites, not giant general-news portals. "As news surges on the Web, giant ocean liners like AOL and Yahoo are being outmaneuvered by the speedboats zipping around them, relatively small sites that have passionate audiences and sharply focused information," he wrote.

Facebook opens to subscribers: It hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as some of its other moves, but Facebook took another step in Twitter's direction this week by introducing the Subscribe Button, which allows users to see other people's (and groups') status updates without friending or becoming a fan of them.

As GeekWire's Monica Guzman and many others noted, buy cheap Cipro no rx, Facebook's "subscribe" looks a heck of a lot like Twitter's "follow." When asked about similar Google+ features at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, a Facebook exec said it wasn't a response to Google+.

Guzman said Facebook is putting down deeper roots by going beyond the limits of reciprocal friendship, and GigaOM's Mathew Ingrampinpointed the reason why this could end up being a massive change for Facebook: It's beginning to move Facebook from a symmetrical network to an asymmetrical one, which could fundamentally transform its dynamics. Still, Cipro brand name, Ingram said Twitter is much better oriented toward being an information network than Facebook is, even with a "Subscribe" button.

The change could have particularly interesting implications for journalists, as Poynter's Jeff Sonderman explained in his brief outline of the feature. As he noted, it may eliminate the need for separate Facebook profiles and pages for journalists, and while Lost Remote's Cory Bergman said that should be a welcome change for journalists who were trying to manage both, he noted that shows and organizations may want to stick with pages, Cipro Dosage.

News Corp.'s scandal widens: An update on the ongoing scandal enveloping News Corp.: A group of U.S. banks and investment funds that own shares in News Corp. expanded a lawsuit to include allegations of stealing, hacking, purchase Cipro for sale, and anti-competitive behavior by two of the company's U.S. subsidiaries — an advertiser and a satellite TV hardware manufacturer. As the Washington Post's Erik Wemple noted, these are old cases, but they're getting fresh attention, Cipro dosage, and that's how scandals gain momentum. Cipro Dosage, James Murdoch, the son of News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch, was also recalled to testify again before members of Britain's Parliament later this fall, facing new questions about the breadth of News Corp.'s phone hacking scandal. The Wall Street Journal examined the scandal's impact on the elder Murdoch's succession plan for the conglomerate, especially as it involves James. The company's executives also announced this week that they've found tens of thousands of documents that could shed more light on the phone hacking cases.

Reading roundup: Here's what else went on this week:

— The biggest news story this week, of course, is actually 10 years old: Here's a look at how newspapers marked the anniversary of 9/11, real brand Cipro online, how news orgs used digital technology to tell the story, and a reflection on how 9/11 changed the media landscape.

— Twitter introduced a new web analytics tool to measure Twitter's impact on websites. Here's an analysis from Mathew Ingram of GigaOM, Cipro Dosage.

— At an academic conference last weekend, Illinois j-prof Robert McChesney repeated his call for public funding for journalism. Purchase Cipro online no prescription, Here are a couple of good summaries of his talk from fellow j-profs Axel Bruns and Alfred Hermida.

— Finally, here's a relatively short but insightful two-part interview between two digital media luminaries, Henry Jenkins and Dan Gillmor, about media literacy, citizen journalism and Gillmor's latest book. Should make for a quick, thought-provoking weekend read.

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