2 posts
April 25th, 2013

This Week in Review: Paywall dominoes keep falling, and Twitter keeps moving into video

April 3rd, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Synthroid Cost, on March 25, 2011.]

Debating the Times’ pricing structure: There was really only one big news story in the media world this week: The New York Times’ paid-content plan, which is live in Canada now and coming to everyone else on Monday. I divided the issue into two sections — the first on general commentary on the plan, and the second specifically about efforts to get around the paywall.

We learned a bit more about the Times’ thinking behind the plan, with a story in the Times about the road from its last paid-content system, TimesSelect, to this one, Synthroid treatment, and an All Things Digital interview with Times digital chief Martin Nisenholtz, in which he said, among other things, that the Times didn’t consider print prices when setting their online price levels. Order Synthroid no prescription, Former Times designer Khoi Vinh also looked at the last couple of years, lamenting the lost opportunity for innovation and the legacy of TimesSelect.

There were a couple of pieces written supporting the Times’ proposal: Former CBS digital head Larry Kramer said he’d be more likely to pay for the Times than for the tablet publication The Daily, even though it’s far more expensive. The reason. The Times’ content has consistently proven to be valuable over the years. (Tech blogger John Gruber also said the Times’ content is much more valuable than The Daily’s, but wondered if it was really worth more than five times more money.) Nate Silver of Times blog FiveThirtyEight used some data to argue for the Times’ value.

The Times’ own David Carr offered the most full-throated defense of the pay plan, arguing that most of the objection to it is based on the “theology” of open networks and the free flow of information, rather than the practical concerns involved with running a news organization, Synthroid Cost. Reuters’ Felix Salmon countered that the Times has its own theology — that news orgs should charge for content because they can, Synthroid mg, and that it will ensure their success. Later, though, Salmon ran a few numbers and posited that the paywall could be a success if everything breaks right.

There were more objections voiced, Synthroid dosage, too: Both Mathew Ingram of GigaOM and former newspaper journalist Janet Coats both called it backward-looking, with Ingram saying it “seems fundamentally reactionary, and displays a disappointing lack of imagination.” TechDirt’s Mike Masnick ripped the idea that people might have felt guilty about getting the Times for free online.

One of the biggest complaints revolved around the Times’ pricing system itself, which French media analyst Frederic Filloux described as “expensive, utterly complicated, disconnected from the reality and designed to be bypassed.” Others, Synthroid samples, including Ken Doctor, venture capitalist Jean-Louis Gassee, and John Gruber, made similar points about the proposal’s complexity, Synthroid recreational, and Michael DeGusta said the prices are just too high. Poynter’s Damon Kiesow disagreed about the plan structure, arguing that it’s well-designed as an attack on Apple’s mobile paid-content dominance.

Are paywall loopholes a bug or feature?: Of course, any barrier online is also a giant, flashing invitation to get around said barrier, and someplace as influential as the Times was not going to be an exception, online Synthroid without a prescription. Several ways to bypass the Times’ pay system popped up in the last week: There was @FreeNYT, the Twitter account that will aggregate Times content shared on Twitter, and NYTClean, a browser bookmarklet that strips the Times’ paywall coding, allowing you to read the Times just like normal. The Lab’s Josh Benton noted how easy the hack was to come up with (four lines of code!) and speculated that  Synthroid Cost, the Times might actually want nerds to game their system, “because they (a) are unlikely to pay, (b) generate ad revenue, and (c) are more likely to share your content than most.”

So how has the Times responded to all this. A bit schizophrenically. Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr, buy no prescription Synthroid online. said the people who would find ways around the system would be “mostly high-school kids and people who are out of work.” And the Times asked Twitter to shut down the aggregating Twitter accounts (for a trademark violation) and extended its limit on daily search-engine referrals beyond Google. But the Times is also widening some pathways of its own, making it so you can’t hit the wall directly from a blog link, and offering 200, Synthroid australia, uk, us, usa, 000 regular readers free online access for the rest of the year through an advertiser.

Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan mocked the Times’ behavior toward wall-jumpers as an effort to have its paid-content cake and eat it too: “This wall is designed, as best I can tell, only to be a barrier to your most loyal — and most stupid — readers.” Slate’s Jack Shafer made a similar argument to Benton’s, pointing out that online free-riders aren’t keeping paying customers from reading the Times (like, say, someone who steals a paper edition, Synthroid trusted pharmacy reviews, as Sulzberger analogized) and are actually help the paper continue its influence and reach.

Adding community to local data: EveryBlock, a three-year-old site owned by that specializes in hyperlocal news data, unveiled its first major redesign this week, which includes a shift in focus toward community and location-based conversation, Synthroid coupon, rather than just data. All place pages now allow users to post messages to those nearby, using what founder Adrian Holovaty called the “geo graph,” rather than the “social graph.” Mashable added a few valuable details (notably, the site will bring in revenue from location-based Groupon displays and Google ads).

Holovaty answered a lot of questions about the redesign in a Poynter chat, saying that the site’s mission has changed from making people informed about their area as an end in itself to facilitating communication between neighbors in order to improve their communities, Synthroid Cost. GigaOM’s Mathew Ingram applauded the shift in thinking, arguing that the main value in local news sites is in the people they connect, not in the data they collect. At 10,000 Words, comprar en línea Synthroid, comprar Synthroid baratos, Jessica Roy noted that the change was a signal that hyperlocal sites should focus not just on the online realm, but on fostering offline connections as well.

NPR on the defensive: Two weeks on, the hidden-camera attack on NPR continues to keep it in the middle of the news conversation. Following last week’s vote by the House to cut off NPR’s limited federal funding, Synthroid canada, mexico, india, several media folks made cases to keep NPR’s federal funding alive, including the Washington Post’s Len Downie and Robert Kaiser and Poynter’s Roy Peter Clark. NPR host Steve Inskeep argued that NPR’s most important work has nothing to do with any liberal/conservative bias. “Think again of my colleagues in Libya, going forward to bear witness amid exploding shells. Is that liberal or conservative?” he asked.

Synthroid Cost, Elsewhere, James O’Keefe, the producer of the gotcha video, and Bob Garfield of NPR’s On The Media had it out on the air, and DailyFinance gave a picture of NPR’s financial situation. Howard Kurtz of Newsweek and The Daily Beast wrote that some NPR journalists think that NPR management’s passive, reactionary defense of their organization is damaging it almost as much as the attacks themselves.

Reading roundup: Not too busy of a week in the media world outside of Timesmania, Synthroid without a prescription. A few things to take note of:

— A quick news item: Journalism Online, Steve Brill’s initiative to help media companies charge for their content online, is being snatched up by the Fortune 500 printer RR Donnelley, reportedly for at least $35 million. PaidContent broke the story, and Ken Doctor wrote about the unexpected difficulties the startup encountered.

— At the New York Review of Books, Steve Coll wrote a thoughtful piece on the competing claims regarding technology’s role in social change.

— For the stat nerds: The Lab’s Josh Benton looked at the latest of the continual stream of depressing graphs flowing from the newspaper industry, and Peter Kafka of All Things Digital analyzed the source of traffic for some major sites across the web, comparing the influence of Facebook and Google.

— For the academic nerds: Here at the Lab, USC Ph.D. candidate Nikki Usher talked to media sociology rock star Herbert Gans about targeted and multiperspectival news, and Michigan Ph.D. candidates William Youmans and Katie Brown shared a fascinating study about Al Jazeera and bias perception.


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March 16th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Bactrim Over The Counter, on March 11, 2011.]

A bad week for NPR execs named Schiller: For the second time in five months, NPR has found itself in the middle of a controversy that's forced it to wrestle with issues of objectivity, bias, and its own federal funding. This one started when the conservative prankster James O'Keefe orchestrated a hidden-camera video of a NPR fundraising exec bashing Tea Partiers and generally straying from the NPR party line while meeting with people pretending to represent a Muslim charity. (The "donors" also met with PBS, but their people didn't take the bait.)

Reaction was mixed: The right, of course, was outraged, Where can i cheapest Bactrim online, though others like Slate's Jack Shafer and Gawker's John Cook downplayed the significance of the video. NPR was outraged, too — "appalled," actually, and CEO Vivian Schiller said she was upset and that the two execs had put on administrative leave. Within about 12 hours, however, Bactrim use, Schiller herself had been forced out by NPR's board. The New York Times has good background on the shocking turn of events, and Poynter summarized the six months of controversy that led up to this, stretching back to Juan Williams' firing (the American Journalism Review's Rem Rieder called Schiller's ouster "Williams' revenge"), Bactrim Over The Counter.

Reaction to NPR's handling of the situation was decidedly less mixed — and a lot more scathing. In a chat and column, NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard ripped just about all parties involved, and the online response from media-watchers was just as harsh. Bactrim for sale, NYU j-prof Jay Rosen called it "profoundly unjust," and several others blasted NPR's leadership.

The Awl's Choire Sicha called NPR's management "wusses," CUNY j-prof Jeff Jarvis called the NPR board "ballless" and said the episode exposes the difference between NPR and the stations who run it, ex-Saloner Scott Rosenberg lamented NPR's allowing the O'Keefes of the world to take over public discourse, and Rosen and Northeastern j-prof Dan Kennedy told NPR to start fighting back. The Columbia Journalism Review's Joel Meares put it best Bactrim Over The Counter, , saying the fiasco "exposes them as an organization that is fundamentally weak—too concerned about its image to realize that 'surrender' is not always the best option."

The episode also stoked the fires of the perpetual debate over whether public radio should keep its federal funding. The Atlantic's Chris Good looked at the political aspects of the issue, Bactrim natural, and The Christian Science Monitor examined whether public radio stations would survive without federal money. A few calls to defund public radio came from outside the traditional (i.e. conservative) places, with Gawker's Hamilton Nolan and media analyst Alan Mutter arguing that NPR will be in an untenable situation as a political football as long as they're getting federal funds. Meanwhile, Where to buy Bactrim, here at the Lab, USC's Nikki Usher did give some encouraging information from the whole situation, looking at Schiller's legacy of digital and local innovation during her NPR tenure.

Making hyperlocal news personal: AOL continued its move into local news late last week, as it bought the hyperlocal news aggregator, Bactrim Over The Counter. In an excellent analysis at the Lab, Ken Doctor argued that the purchase is a way for AOL to get bigger quickly, particularly by bulking up Patch's pageviews through cheap local aggregation tools. ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick took the opportunity to ask why hyperlocal news technology services like, Bactrim maximum dosage, Everyblock, and Fwix haven't been as useful as we had hoped.

Mathew Ingram of GigaOM posited an answer: Hyperlocal journalism only works if it's deeply connected with the community it serves, and those technologies aren't. Without that level of community, "AOL is pouring money into a bottomless pit, Bactrim used for, "he wrote. The Knight Digital Media Center's Amy Gahran said that might be where local news organizations can step in, focusing less on creating news articles and more on using their community trust to make local information useful, relevant and findable.

Elsewhere on the cheap-content front: All Things Digital reported that AOL is laying off hundreds of employees (including the widely expected gutting of several of its news sites), and Business Insider snagged the memo. Wired talked to two Google engineers Bactrim Over The Counter, about its anti-content farm changes, and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said good content is created either by passionate fans or by proper journalists being paid a fair amount. But, he said, Bactrim description, "paying people a very low amount of money to write about stuff they don't care about — that doesn't work." And Dan Conover at Xark warned against turning content — especially hyperlocal — into a franchise formula.

Accountability and authenticity in online comments: TechCrunch was one of the first companies to try out Facebook's new commenting system, and after about a week, MG Siegler noted that the number of the site's comments had decreased, and they'd also gone from nasty to warm and fuzzy. Buy Bactrim without a prescription, Entrepreneur Steve Cheney proposed a reason why the comments were so "sterile and neutered": Facebook kills online authenticity, because everyone is self-censoring their statements to make sure their grandmas, ex-girlfriends, and entire social network won't be offended.

Tech guru Robert Scoble disagreed, arguing that TechCrunch's comments have improved, and people know real change and credibility only comes from using their real identities. Slate's Farhad Manjoo made a somewhat similar argument, Bactrim interactionseloquently making the case for the elimination of anonymous commenting. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram weighed in by saying that Facebook can't make or break comments — it all depends on being involved in an actual conversation with users, Bactrim Over The Counter. He pointed to a brilliant post by NPR's Matt Thompson, who gave numerous tips on cultivating community in comments; much it went back to the idea that "The very best filter is an empowered, engaged adult."

Meanwhile, Joy Mayer of the Reynolds Journalism Institute got some advice on cultivating online reader engagement from the Wall Street Journal's Zach Seward, Ordering Bactrim online, and the Lab's Megan Garber reported on the results of some research into which stories are the most liked and shared on Facebook.

More paywall test cases: Newspapers continue to pound the paywall drumbeat, with the CEO of newspaper chain Gannett saying the company is experimenting with various pay models in anticipation of a potential one-time company-wide rollout and the Dallas Morning News rolling out its own paywall this week. Ken Doctor crunched the numbers to try to gauge the initiative's chances, and media consultant Mike Orren disagreed with the News' idea of how much a metro newspaper's operation should cost.

Elsewhere, Reuters' Felix Salmon made the case that Britain's Financial Times' paywall strategy has contributed to its decline, what is Bactrim, writing,"the FT strategy is exactly the strategy I would choose if I was faced with an industry in terminal decline, and wanted to extract as much money as possible from it before it died." Meanwhile, The New York Times' public editor, Arthur Brisbane, Buy cheap Bactrim,  chided the Times for not aggressively covering news of its own paywall, and Mathew Ingram of GigaOM called paywalls a futile attempt to hold back the tide of free online content.

Reading roundup: Some things to read in between South by Southwest Interactive panels:

— Newsweek published its first redesigned issue Bactrim Over The Counter, under The Daily Beast's Tina Brown this week. The Society of Publication Designers had a look at the issue, which Slate's Jack Shafer panned. The New York Times noted the issue's familiar bylines.

— A few Apple-related notes: At MediaShift, Susan Currie Sivek looked at the impact of Apple's 30% app subscription cut on small magazines, online buying Bactrim, and Poynter's Damon Kiesow urged Apple-fighting publishers to move to the open web, not Android-powered tablets. GigaOM's Om Malik joined the chorus of people calling for iPad apps to be reimagined.

— Two great posts at the Lab on search engine optimization: Richard J, Bactrim Over The Counter. Tofel on why the web will be better off with the decline of SEO, and Martin Langeveld on the SEO consequences of including paid links on sites. Buy generic Bactrim, — Former Guardian digital chief Emily Bell gave a fantastic interview to CBC Radio about various future-of-news issues, and Mathew Ingram summarized a talk she gave on newspapers and the web.

— Finally, two must-reads: The Atlantic's James Fallows wrote a thoughtful essay arguing that we should take the contemporary journalism environment on its own terms, rather than unfairly comparing it to earlier eras. And at the Lab, former St. Pete Times journalist and current Nebraska j-prof Matt Waite called news developers to let the old systems go and "hack at the very core of the whole product.".

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