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June 9th, 2014

Making sense of research: Has campaign journalism changed on Twitter?

June 1st, 2012

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[This review was initially posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Order Bactrim, on January 13, 2012.]

Social search and competition: Google made a major move toward unifying search and social networks (particularly its own) this week by fusing Google+ into its search and deepening its search personalization based on social information. It's a significant development with a lot of different angles, so I'll try to hit all of them as understandably as I can.

As usual, Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan put together the best basic guide to the changes, with plenty of visual examples and some brief thoughts on many of the issues I'll cover here. TechCrunch's Jason Kincaid explained that while these changes may seem incremental now, low dose Bactrim, they're foreshadowing Google's eventual goal to become "a search engine for all of your stuff."

PaidContent's Jeff Roberts liked the form and functionality of the new search, but said it still needs a critical mass of Google+ activity to become truly useful, while GigaOM's Janko Roettgers said its keys will be photos and celebrities. ReadWriteWeb's Jon Mitchell was impressed by the non-evilness of it, particularly the ability to turn it off. Farhad Manjoo of Slate said Google's reliance on social information is breaking what was a good search engine, Order Bactrim. Comprar en línea Bactrim, comprar Bactrim baratos, Of course, the move was also quite obviously a shot in the war between Google and Facebook (and Twitter, as we'll see later): As Ars Technica's Sean Gallagher noted, Google wants to one-up Facebook's growing social search and keep some of its own search traffic out of Facebook. Ben Parr said Facebook doesn't need to worry, though Google has set up Google+ as the alternative if Facebook shoots itself in the foot.

But turning a supposedly neutral search engine into a competitive weapon didn't go over well with a lot of observers, generic Bactrim. The Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal saw a conflict between Google's original mission (organizing the world's information) and its new social mission, and Danny Sullivan said Google is putting score-settling above relevance. Several others sounded similar alarms: Mathew Ingram of GigaOM said users are becoming collateral damage Order Bactrim, in the war between the social networks, and web veteran John Battelle argued that the war was bad for Google, Facebook, and all of us on the web"The unwillingness of Facebook and Google to share a public commons when it comes to the intersection of search and social is corrosive to the connective tissue of our shared culture," he wrote.

For others, the changes even called up the specter of antitrust violations. MG Siegler said he doesn't mind Google's search (near-) monopoly, but when it starts using that monopoly to push its other products, Bactrim no rx, that's when it turns into a legal problem. Danny Sullivan laid out some of the areas of dispute in a possible antitrust case and urged Google to more fully integrate its competitors into search.

Twitter was the first competitor to voice its displeasure publicly, releasing a statement arguing that deprioritizing Twitter damages real-time search. (TechCrunch has the statement and some valuable context.) Google responded by essentially saying, "Hey, you dumped us, Bactrim pictures, buddy," and its executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, told Search Engine Land they'd be willing to negotiate with Twitter and Facebook.

Finally, some brief journalistic implications: Poynter's Jeff Sonderman said this means SEO's value is waning for news organizations, being replaced by the growing importance of building strong social followings and making content easy to share, and Mathew Ingram echoed that idea, Order Bactrim. Daniel Victor of ProPublica had some wise thoughts on the meaning of stronger search for social networks, Bactrim reviews, concluding that "the key is creating strategies that don’t depend on specific tools. Don’t plan for more followers and retweets; plan for creating incentives that will gather the most significant contributions possible from non-staffers."

Innovation and its discontents: Washington Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton inducing a bit of eye-rolling among digital media folks this week with a column arguing that the paper is "innovating too fast" by overwhelming readers and exhausting employees with a myriad of initiatives that lack a coherent overall strategy. J-prof Jay Rosen followed up with a revealing chat with Pexton that helps push the discussion outside of the realm of stereotypes: Pexton isn't reflexively defending the status quo (though he remains largely print-centric), but thinks there are simply too many projects being undertaken without an overarching philosophy about how or why things should be done.

Pexton got plenty of push-back, not least from the Post's own top digital editor, Raju Narisetti, who responded by essentially saying, where can i buy cheapest Bactrim online, in Rosen's paraphrase, "This is the way it’s going to be and has to be, if the Post is to survive and thrive. It may well be exhausting but there is no alternative." GigaOM's Mathew Ingram said he was just about to praise the Post for its bold experimentation, and the Guardian's Martin Belam argued that Pexton is actually critiquing newness, Online buying Bactrim, rather than innovation.

J-prof Alfred Hermida argued Order Bactrim, — as Pexton himself seemed to in his chat with Rosen — that the issue is not about how fast or slow innovation is undertaken, but whether that innovation is done in a way that's good or bad for journalism. Former Sacramento Bee editor Melanie Sill responded that many newspapers remain stuck in 20th-century formulas, blinding them to the fact that what they consider revolutionary change is only a minor, outmoded shift. She noted that all the former top editors she's talked to have had the same regret: that they hadn't pushed harder for change. And Free Press' Josh Stearns pointed out that we should expect the path toward that change to be an easy one.

'Truth vigilantes' and objectivity: Pexton wasn't the only ombudsman this week to be put on the defensive after a widely derided column: New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane drew plenty of criticism yesterday when he asked whether Times reporters should call out officials' untruths in their stories — or, as he put it, where to buy Bactrim, act as a "truth vigilante." Much of the initial reaction was a variation of, "How is this even a question?"

Brisbane told Romenesko that he wasn't asking whether the Times should fact-check statements and print the truth, but whether reporters should "always rebut dubious facts in the body of the stories they are writing." He reiterated this in a follow-up, in which he also printed a response by Times executive editor Jill Abramson saying the Times does this all the time. Her point was echoed by former Times executive editor Bill Keller and PolitiFact editor Bill Adair, Buy Bactrim from mexico, and while he called the initial question "stupid," Reuters' Jack Shafer pointed out that Brisbane isn't opposed to skepticism and fact-checking.

The American Journalism Review's Rem Rieder enthusiastically offered a case for a more rigorous fact-checking role for the press, as did the Online Journalism Review's Robert Niles (though his enthusiasm was with tongue lodged in cheek), Order Bactrim. The Atlantic's Adam Clark Estes used the episode as an opportunity to explain how deeply objectivity is ingrained in the mindset of the American press, pointing to the "view from nowhere" concept explicated by j-prof Jay Rosen. Rosen also wrote about the issue himself, arguing that objectivity's view from nowhere has surpassed truthtelling as a priority among the press.

How useful is the political press?: The U.S, buy Bactrim online no prescription. presidential primary season is usually also peak political-journalism-bashing season, but there were a couple of pieces that stood out this week for those interested in the future of that field. The Washington Post's Dana Milbank mocked Order Bactrim, the particular pointlessness of this campaign's reporting, describing scenes of reporters vastly outnumbering locals at campaign events and remarking, "if editors knew how little journalism occurs on the campaign trail, they would never pay our expenses."

The New Yorker's John Cassidy defended the political press against the heat it's been taking, arguing that it still produces strong investigative and long-form reporting on important issues, and that the speed of the new news cycle allows it to correct itself quickly. He blamed many of its perceived failings not on the journalists themselves, but on the public that's consuming their work.

The Boston Phoenix reported on the decline of local newspapers' campaign coverage and wondered if political blogs and websites could pick up the slack, Bactrim use, while the Lab's Justin Ellis looked at why news orgs love partnering up during campaign season, focusing specifically on the newly announced NBC News-Newsweek/Daily Beast arrangement.

A unique paywall model: The many American, British, and Canadian publishers implementing or considering paywalls might marvel at the paid-content success of Piano Media, but they can't hope to emulate it: A year after gaining the cooperation of each of Slovakia's major news publishers for a unified paywall there, the company is expanding the concept to Slovenia, no prescription Bactrim online. As paidContent noted, Piano is hoping to sign up 1% of Slovenia's Internet-using population, and the Lab's Andrew Phelps reported that the company is planning to bring national paywalls to five European nations by the end of the year. As Piano's CEO told Phelps, the primary barrier to subscription has not been economic, but philosophical, especially for commenting, Order Bactrim.

Elsewhere in paywalls, media consultant Frederic Filloux looked at what's making the New York Times' strategy work so far — unique content, Bactrim results, a porous paywall that allows it to maintain high traffic numbers and visibility, and cooperation with Apple — and analyst Ken Doctor wondered whether all-access subscriptions across multiple devices and publications within a company could be a key to paid content this year.

Reading roundup: Tons of smaller stuff going on this week outside the glare of the Google-Facebook-Twitter wars. Here's a quick rundown:

— One item I forgot to note from late last week: The AP and a group of 28 other news organizations have launched NewsRight, a system to help news orgs license their content to online aggregators. Poynter's Rick Edmonds offered a detailed analysis, but GigaOM's Mathew Ingram was skeptical, Bactrim steet value.

— The online commenting service Disqus released some of its internal research Order Bactrim, showing that pseudonymous commenters tend to leave more and higher-quality comments than their real-name counterparts. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram used the data to argue that a lack of real names isn't nearly as bad as its critics say.

— No real news in SOPA this week, but the text of Cory Doctorow's lecture last month on SOPA and the dangers of copyright regulation has been posted. It's long, but worth a read.

— Finally, three fantastic practical posts on how to practice digital journalism, from big-picture to small-grain: Howard Owens of the Batavian's list of things journalists can do to reinvent journalism, Melanie Sill at Poynter on how to begin doing open journalism, and Steve Buttry of the Journal Register Co. on approaching statehouse coverage from a digital-first perspective.

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September 16th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Purchase Cipro, on Sept. 2, 2011.]

Hurricane news' innovation and hype: The big U.S. news story this week was Hurricane Irene, which hit the East Coast and New England last weekend. It was a story that hit particularly close to home for many of the U.S.' leading news organizations, which led to some innovative journalism, but also some questionable coverage, Cipro treatment, too.

Several news organizations temporarily took down their online paywalls during the storm, led by the New York Times and the Long Island newspaper Newsday. The Times also used the storm as an opportunity to introduce a new Twitter account devoted to curation of information on Twitter by the paper's editors, Purchase Cipro. The Lab's Megan Garber noted that the account is incorporating much more conversation than the Times' other official Twitter accounts, and Jeff Sonderman of Poynter talked to the Times about its goal with the account — to provide a space for faster, more unrestrained information from the Times on Twitter. Cipro street price, Another good example of storm-related news innovation: The Journal Register Co.'s Ben Franklin Project.

Irene was also a big occasion for TV news, which trotted out the usual round-the-clock coverage and on-location weather-defying reports. After the storm passed through, many questioned whether news organizations had gone over the top in their breathless coverage of Irene. The Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz accused cable news Purchase Cipro, of being "utterly swept away by the notion that Irene would turn out to be Armageddon," and at the Boston Herald, Michael Graham called the Irene coverage "a manufactured media product with a tenuous connection to the actual news."

Others (many outside the TV news industry) pushed back against those charges: Northeastern j-prof Dan Kennedy said that the storm's damage actually largely matched the coverage; it just seemed like it fizzled out because that damage wasn't near New York or Washington. The New York Times' Nate Silver took a more scientific approach and made a similar conclusion, showing that the amount of Irene coverage was generally in line with that of previous storms, when the level of damage was factored in, Cipro dose.

Poynter's Julie Moos, who put together a great summary of the hurricane hype debate, also argued that Irene's severity matched the level of coverage, providing along the way a useful six-part measuring stick for journalistic hype. "The perception of hype is fed by the gap between supply and demand," she said. "Journalists must make more closely calibrated decisions than ever about what information to provide."

Social network as identity service: Google CEO Eric Schmidt threw some more fuel onto the slow-burning argument over Google+ and real names when he said at a conference last weekend that the new social network is essentially an "identity service with a link structure around your friends" — a way for others on the Internet to verify your identity and communicate with you under that identity. Where can i cheapest Cipro online, Asked about the risks to some people of such a hard-and-fast online identity, Schmidt replied that, well, they don't have to use Google+ then.

It was quite a telling quote regarding Google+'s true purpose — one that several commentators seized on, Purchase Cipro. Mashable's Pete Cashmore described the battle between Google and Facebook over web identity and reasoned that the reason Google is taking a hard line on real names is that it needs its identity system to be more reliable than Facebook's. Venture capitalist Fred Wilson said now we officially know who the real-names policy is really for: Google, not us"The answer to why you need to use your real name in the service is because they need you to," he said, where to buy Cipro.

GigaOM's Mathew Ingram used the statement to tie together his description of what's at stake in the identity competition — the more accurate and detailed identities are, the more advertisers will pay for them. Tech blogger Dave Winer was more blunt: Google+ is a bank, he said. Purchase Cipro, They need people's real names because they want to move money around, like any other business. At the Guardian, tech writer Cory Doctorow argued that we need to open up this discussion about online identity, Cipro class, and that the single-identity philosophy Google's espousing isn't in our best interests.

Meanwhile, this month's Carnival of Journalism blog ring wrote about Google+, with several writers urging journalists and academics to "just use it," as the University of Colorado's Steve Outing put it. Spot.Us' David Cohn put the rationale well: "The reason to be on Google+ isn’t because it’s the newest, hottest, sexiest thing, Cipro from canadian pharmacy. ... You should be on these sites to understand how people are communicating and the vocabulary of this communication."

CNN grabs Zite: Major news organizations have been itching to jump into the increasingly crowded market for tablet-based news readers, and this week CNN made its own play, snatching up Zite, the personalized, magazine-like iPad news app launched in March. All Things Digital's Kara Swisher put the purchase price between $20 million and $25 million and explained the simple reason for CNN's interest: They're trying to acquire the technology to keep up with audiences that are quickly moving onto mobile platforms for their news, Purchase Cipro.

Zite will continue to operate as a separate unit, Cipro long term, across the country from CNN's headquarters. According to mocoNews' Tom Krazit, CNN will help Zite scale up to a bigger audience, while Zite will work to improve CNN's mobile offerings. And when asked by Mashable's Lauren Indvik about adding ads, CNN execs said they're going to build up the product first and worry about the business model later. Mathew Ingram of GigaOM said Zite can help CNN learn what people are sharing, why, Cipro use, and how they want news presented in a mobile format.

WikiLeaks' inadvertent cable release Purchase Cipro, : This week marked what looks like the beginning of a new, bizarre confusing chapter in the WikiLeaks saga. The story's been a bit of a confusing story, but I'll try to break it down for you: Ever since last November, WikiLeaks has been gradually releasing documents from its collection of diplomatic cables. But over the past couple of weeks, the full archive of 251, Cheap Cipro no rx, 000 cables was inadvertently released online, without sensitive information redacted, as WikiLeaks had been doing.

WikiLeaks blamed the Guardian, the British newspaper with which it had been working, for publishing the password to the hidden document files in a book about WikiLeaks earlier this year. The Guardian responded that it was told when it was given the password that it was temporary, to be changed within a day, purchase Cipro for sale.

In the meantime, as Der Spiegel explained well, Daniel Domscheit-Berg had defected from WikiLeaks with the server that contained the files, and other WikiLeaks supporters spread the files around to keep them from being taken off the web, Purchase Cipro. Once the password leaked out, the contents of the files gradually started spilling online, and by Wednesday night, they were completely public, according to Der Spiegel. It's not entirely clear what WikiLeaks will do with the files now, Cipro duration, but that's where the conflict stands.

FT pulls out of the App Store: Back in June, the Financial Times became the first major news organization to develop an HTML5 app for Apple's App Store, allowing it to design a single app for multiple platforms and to handle subscriptions outside of the app itself, which gave it a way around Apple's 30% cut. FT removed the app from the App Store this week instead of complying with Apple's requirement that all subscriptions be handled within apps.

As paidContent's Robert Andrews explained Purchase Cipro, , FT can still make money off of existing iPad app users, but the paper says most of its users have switched over the web app, and its web app use is growing quickly enough that this isn't a big loss anyway. As GigaOM's Darrell Etherington pointed out, this could be an important test case in whether a news organization can replace its Apple-based app business with an HTML5-based web app, comprar en línea Cipro, comprar Cipro baratos.

A new generation of campaign reporters: We're starting to hurtle toward full-on presidential campaign season in the U.S., and according to the New York Times, many of the reporters who'll be covering it are 20-somethings, mere babes in the dark, scary woods of campaign journalism. The Times did a trend story on these young reporters, Doses Cipro work, focusing on a boot camp for them put on by CBS and National Journal. Among the advice they're getting: Be careful to slip up in public view, and don't break news on Twitter.

Mocking, of course, ensued, Purchase Cipro. Village Voice's Rosie Gray said CBS and National Journal are asking to get beat on big stories with their Twitter policy, and Alex Pareene of Salon said the moral of the story is that modern campaign journalism is so inane that it can be pushed off to barely experienced reporters without anyone being the wiser. The Columbia Journalism Review's Erika Fry had perhaps the most substantive concern: Why are these reporters being taught primarily about avoiding gaffes, rather than actually doing good journalism.

Reading roundup: Here's the rest of what happened in this crazy-busy news week:

— The New York Times' public editor, buy Cipro from canada, Arthur Brisbane, wrote a column criticizing the Times' popular DealBook site for missing large-scale economic issues in favor of small, incremental daily stories. Times business editor Larry Ingrassia fired back with a defense of DealBook, and Reuters financial blogger Felix Salmon also defended DealBook, saying Brisbane was making a false either-or distinction, among other errors. Purchase Cipro, — A few more reflections and analyses of Steve Jobs' impending departure as Apple CEO, announced last week: The New York Times' David Carr on what he changed, and Wired's John C. Abell on Jobs' legacy and Tim Carmody on Jobs and the arts.

— He's made the point before in different ways, but NYU j-prof Jay Rosen's analysis of why the system of political news coverage is broken is still worth a read. He also followed it up with a rethinking of what political journalism could be.

— Finally, NPR's Matt Thompson wrote a great piece on what journalists can learn from the scientific method, tying together some useful big ideas.

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