August 13th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Flagyl Mg, on Aug. 5, 2011.]

How right do we need to be on Twitter?: It's not particularly uncommon for false information to spread on Twitter under the guise of breaking news, and that's what happened late last week, when several journalists spread the rumor that CNN's Piers Morgan had been suspended from his show as part of the fallout from News Corp.'s phone hacking scandal, which turned out to be untrue. Flagyl description, This misinformation, however, led to the most interesting discussion on Twitter and accuracy we've seen in a while.

It started with Reuters' Felix Salmon, one of those who tweeted the Morgan rumor, defending the practice of quickly tweeting breaking news (false, in some cases) and then quickly correcting it, is Flagyl safe. "Twitter is more like a newsroom than a newspaper: it’s where you see news take shape. Rumors appear and die; stories come into focus; people talk about what’s true and what’s false," he wrote. While news organizations' official accounts should stick to confirmed reports, individual reporters should be able to tweet unconfirmed information, Salmon said, as long as they attribute it properly and correct it quickly, Flagyl Mg.

Several writers objected to this line of reasoning: Fishbowl NY's Chris O'Shea said Salmon should be committed to tweeting true information because the fact that he's seen as a credible news source is the reason people follow him on Twitter in the first place. The Columbia Journalism Review's Dean Starkman countered that Twitter is much closer to publishing than a newsroom meeting: "The reason people feel a bit of embarrassment after making a mistake on Twitter is precisely because it’s so public." And Rem Rieder of the American Journalism Review said Salmon's strategy constitutes a reckless disregard for reporters' individual brand and reputation.

Others were more sympathetic to Salmon's point. Mathew Ingram of GigaOM pushed back against Rieder, Flagyl no prescription, arguing that news is a process, not just the publication of a finished product, and Twitter is part of that process. Salmon's editor at Reuters Flagyl Mg, , Anthony DeRosa, who also tweeted the Morgan rumor, agreed with Salmon that Twitter is a newsroom, but vowed to be more careful to tweet verified information. The Journal Register Co.'s Steve Buttry, meanwhile, said that the dichotomy between being first and being right is a false one for journalists — and that journalists should strive for both.

A new tool for the new newsroom: Chartbeat, taking Flagyl, which does real-time analytics for websites, launched a news-oriented version of its tool last week called Newsbeat. Poynter's Jeff Sonderman put together a good overview of the service, which includes more detail about traffic trends and sources than Chartbeat. In an interview with GigaOM's Mathew Ingram, Discount Flagyl, Chartbeat's Tony Haile answered the objection that this type of data will just lead to a "tyranny of the popular," arguing instead that the service may instead show journalists how they're underestimating their audiences, or how they can repackage news stories to make them more understandable to readers.

The Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal provided an example from his own experience, noting that Chartbeat has shown that a surprising number of offbeat longform stories there generate big traffic, Flagyl Mg. Newsbeat, he said, could help the mass of news sources fighting for attention online each find their sweet spot. "I love analytics because I owe them my ability to write weird stories on the Internet, where can i find Flagyl online," he said.

At Wired, Tim Carmody emphasized the real-time nature of the information, noting that the need for that kind of information is growing as news organizations are increasingly editing and publishing in real time, too. Order Flagyl from United States pharmacy, Here at the Lab, Megan Garber was intrigued by the fact that Newsbeat offers individualized dashboards for each writer and editor's content. Flagyl Mg, The feature, she reasoned, demonstrates the increased encouragement of entrepreneurialism within the modern newsroom: "Increasingly, the gates of production are swinging open to journalists throughout, if not fully across, the newsroom. That’s a good thing. It’s also a big thing. And Newsbeat is reflecting it."

A truly daily tablet publication: Seems almost every other week we have a new entry into the tablet news market; this week it's AOL, which launched its daily tablet magazine Editions this week. All Things Digital and Poynter have good overviews of what the new publication is: Notably, generic Flagyl, it's delivered to your tablet just once a day (at the time of your choosing), with a set ending page, and without any updates. It's big on personalization, tailoring news to each user a bit like Pandora, and it also includes some local news and, as Poynter noted, primarily aims to recreate the print experience (a fake mailing label, even!), Flagyl Mg.

To the people behind Editions, its lack of updates and finite, Flagyl results, print-like interface are assets: As one of them told the New York Times, "For a lot of people, [continual updating] becomes oppressive. This is not tapping you on the shoulder all the time." But at TechCrunch (which is also owned by AOL), Erick Schonfeld was skeptical, asserting that if he feels like he's getting day-old news on Editions, he'll just stick to the web, online buying Flagyl hcl. "News apps need to be as current as the Web. Those are just table stakes," he wrote. Mashable's Lauren Indvik, on the other hand, was rather impressed, Flagyl without a prescription, saying the finiteness of the magazine provides a nice contrast to the unruliness of the web.

The scandal goes stateside Flagyl Mg, : A couple of updates on the News Corp. phone hacking scandal: The story is beginning to migrate across the Atlantic, as attention begins to shift toward several accusations of spying made years ago against News Corp. holdings in the United States. Nick Davies, where can i buy cheapest Flagyl online, the Guardian reporter who broke this story open earlier this summer, was reportedly in the States this week investigating News Corp. At New York magazine, Frank Rich urged Americans to look more closely into Murdoch's behavior here: "We’ve become so inured to Murdoch tactics over the years—and so many people in public life have been frightened, silenced, Flagyl forum, co-opted, or even seduced by them—that we have minimized his impact exactly the way his publicists hoped we would, downgrading News Corp. misbehavior merely to tabloid vulgarity and right-wing attack-dog politics."

Two other notes: The News Corp.-owned Wall Street Journal is surveying subscribers about its image in light of the phone hacking scandal, and the American Journalism Review's John Morton said that for all his faults, Rupert Murdoch's heart is in newspapers, something he appreciates, Flagyl Mg.

Reading roundup: Several things journalists and educators might find useful this week:

— Some smaller papers in the Lee Enterprises chain are going to be trying out metered-model online pay plans, which include a small charge for the website even for print subscribers. Poynter's Rick Edmonds explained why. And at the Lab, buy generic Flagyl, Ken Doctor looked at how the economics of circulation and advertising are moving online.

— There are still a few places where print is still king — among the wealthy, for instance, as data from this Ad Age survey show.

— A few great how-to's and suggestions:'s SEO primer for journalists; Florida j-prof Mindy McAdams' six proposals for journalism education; and a quick guide to data journalism from the Guardian. Flagyl dangers, — Finally, media analyst Alan Mutter made a strong case for why newspapers' business model will never stabilize and urged them to begin "intelligently, and speedily, de-stabilizing their enterprises." It's a case that's been made many times before, but one that probably needs to be heard again.

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June 1st, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Diflucan Cost, on May 13, 2011.]

Leaving the old ad model behind: Much of the commentary about digital news this week was generated by two big reports, one on the business of digital journalism and the other on its consumption. We'll start on the business side, with the Columbia j-school's study on what we know so far about the viability of various digital journalism business models. As Poynter's Bill Mitchell suggested, the best entry point into the 146-page report might be the nine recommendations that form its conclusion. Buy Diflucan no prescription, Mitchell summed the report up in three themes: The audience for journalism is growing, though translating that into revenue is a challenge; the old model of banner ads isn't cutting it, and news orgs need to look for new forms of advertising; and news orgs need to play better with aggregators and sharpen their own aggregation skills. In his response to the study, Reuters' Felix Salmon focused on the advertising angle, arguing that journalism and advertising have too long been linked by mere adjacency and that "when you move away from the ad-adjacency model, Diflucan dangers, however, things get a lot more interesting and exciting."

The New York Times' story on the report centered on advertising, too, particularly the growing need for journalists to learn about the business side of their products. (That was media consultant Mark Potts' main takeaway, too.) Emily Bell, a scholar at the center that released the study, said that while journalists need to understand the business of their industry, integrating news and sales staffs isn't necessarily the way to go, Diflucan Cost. Australia, uk, us, usa, The J-Lab's Jan Schaffer recommended that news orgs respond to their business problems by learning from smaller startups and incorporating them more thoroughly into the journalism ecosystem. And paidContent's Staci Kramer advised news orgs to focus on regular audiences rather than fly-by visitors: "Outwardly we like to complain about content farms; in reality, a lot of what news outlets are doing to the side of those front-page stories isn’t very different."

Facebook's growth as news driver: The other major report was released by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism and looked at how people access news on the web. This study, too, found that despite a small core of frequent users, online Diflucan without a prescription, news sites are dependent on casual users who visit sites infrequently and don't stay long when they're there. Poynter's Rick Edmonds conveniently distilled the study into five big takeaways. Diflucan Cost, The study also found that while Google is still the top referrer to major news sites, Facebook is quickly emerging as a significant news driver, too. University of British Columbia j-prof Alfred Hermida said this lines up with recent research he's done among Canadians, and GigaOM's Mathew Ingram said it showed that while Google is a dominant source for online news now, Diflucan natural, Facebook is primed to succeed it.

Meanwhile, the study also found that surprisingly little traffic to news sites is driven by Twitter. Lauren Dugan of All Twitter said this finding casts some doubt on the idea that Twitter is "a huge link-sharing playground," though the Wall Street Journal's Zach Seward said the study misses that Twitter referrals are undercounted.

The Twitter undercounting was one of several problems that TBD's Steve Buttry had about the study, where can i buy cheapest Diflucan online, including inconsistent language to characterize findings and a bias toward large news organizations. "This study probably has some helpful data, Diflucan Cost. But it has too many huge holes and indications of bias to have much value," Buttry wrote.

Pricing ads and subscriptions on tablets: Condé Nast became the third major magazine publisher to reach an agreement with Apple on app subscriptions, Online buying Diflucan, and one of the first to offer an in-app subscription, with The New Yorker available now. (Wired subscriptions are coming next month.) Time Inc., which reached a deal with Apple last week, clarified that it won't include in-app subscriptions, which would be where Apple takes that now-infamous 30% cut, Diflucan from canada. The Financial Times, meanwhile, is still negotiating with Apple.

Forbes' Jeff Bercovici explained why publishers may be warming to Apple's deal Diflucan Cost, : Turns out, more people are willing to share their personal data with publishers feared. Still, Diflucan online cod, Mathew Ingram of GigaOM used iFlowReader's bad Apple experience as a warning to other companies about the dangers of getting into bed with Apple.

Now that Apple-publisher relations have thawed, the New York Times' David Carr moved to the next issue: Negotiations between publishers and advertisers over how valuable in-app ads are, and how much those ads should cost.'s Chris Gayomali wondered why magazines are more than giving away app subscriptions with print subscriptions, and concluded that it's about getting more eyeballs on the print product, Diflucan overnight, not the app, in order to maintain the all-important ad rate base.

In other words, Carr said in another post, Is Diflucan addictive, publishers are following the old magazine model, where the product is priced below cost and the money is made off advertising instead. He questioned the wisdom of applying that strategy to tablets: "the rich advertising opportunity that will produce may be a less durable and less stable business than grinding out highly profitable circulation over the long haul."

A postmortem on Bin Laden coverage: It's now been close to two weeks since the news of Osama bin Laden's death broke on Twitter, but plenty of folks were still discussing how the story was broken and covered, Diflucan Cost. Gilad Lotan and Devin Gaffney of SocialFlow put together some fascinating visualizations of how the news spread on Twitter, especially the central roles of Donald Rumsfeld staffer Keith Urbahn and New York Times reporter Brian Stelter. Mashable's Chris Taylor concluded from the data that trustworthiness and having active followers (as opposed to just lots of followers) are more important than ever on Twitter.

Media consultant Frederic Filloux was mostly reassured by the way the traditional news outlets handled the story online: "For once, order Diflucan from United States pharmacy, editorial seems to evolve at a faster pace than the business side." There were still folks cautioning against going overboard on Twitter-as-news hype, while the Telegraph's Emma Barnett wondered why pundits are still so surprised at the significant role Twitter and Facebook play in breaking news. ("It's exactly what they were designed for.")

New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane gave the blow-by-blow of how his paper responded to the story, highlighting a few tweets by Times reporters and editors. Reuters' Felix Salmon chastised Brisbane Diflucan Cost, for not including Brian Stelter's tweets, which were posted a good 15 minutes before the ones he included. Herbal Diflucan, The exclusion, Salmon surmised, might indicate that the Times doesn't see what Stelter did on Twitter as reporting.

Google News founder Krishna Bharat compared the way Google handled 9/11 and Bin Laden's death, marveling at how much more breaking-news coverage is available on the web now. The Lab's Megan Garber used the occasion to glean some insights from Bharat about trusting the authority of the algorithm to provide a rich palette of news, order Diflucan online overnight delivery no prescription, but at Search Engine Land, Danny Sullivan used the Bin Laden coverage to point out some flaws in Google News' algorithm.

Reading roundup: Lots of interesting little rabbit trails to choose from this week. Here are a few:

— ComScore's April traffic numbers are out, and there were a number of storylines flowing out of them: Cable news sources are beating print ones in web traffic, the New York Times' numbers are down (as expected) after implementation of its paywall, and Gawker's numbers are starting to come back after dropping last year with its redesign, Diflucan Cost.

— Last week, Diflucan no rx, ESPN columnist Rick Reilly told graduating students at the University of Colorado's j-school to never write for free. That prompted Jason Fry of the National Sports Journalism Center and Craig Calcaterra of's Hardball Talk to expound on the virtues of writing for free, though Slate's Tom Scocca took Reilly's side.

— Two thoughtful pieces on brands and journalism: Jason Fry at Poynter on assessing the value of organizational and personal brands, and Vadim Lavrusik at the Lab on journalists building their brands via Facebook.

— Late last week, Google lost an appeal to a 2007 Belgian ruling forcing it to pay newspapers for gaining revenue for linking to their stories on Google News.

— Finally, the Huffington Post's Mandy Jenkins offered a helpful list of 10 ways journalists can use Storify. It's full of great examples and should spark an idea or two.

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June 1st, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Armour Dosage, on May 6, 2011.]

Twitter as breaking-news system: This week's big news is obvious: American forces killed Osama bin Laden on Monday (Sunday for most Westerners) in a raid of his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. But you already knew that, and how exactly you found out is the first angle I want to look at. The news blew up on Twitter and Facebook late Sunday night after the White House announced President Obama would be addressing the nation. The ensuing frenzy set a record for the highest volume of sustained activity on Twitter, with an average of 3, Armour results, 000 tweets per second for about three hours. While most Americans first got the news from TV, about a fifth of young people found out online.

That led to another round of celebration of Twitter as the emerging source for big breaking news — Business Insider's Matt Rosoff called the story Twitter's CNN moment and said Twitter was "faster, more accurate, and more entertaining than any other news source out there." PR guru Brian Solis described Twitter as "a perfect beast for committing acts of journalism," and University of British Columbia j-prof Alfred Hermida said it's becoming routine to see Twitter as the first option for breaking news coverage, Armour Dosage.

Others pushed back against that praise: Advertising Age's Simon Dumenco argued that everyone on Twitter was still waiting for confirmation from government officials and the mainstream media, and Dan Mitchell of SF Weekly said that most of the people tweeting the news were from traditional media anyway. The American Journalism Review's Rem Rieder said the aide who broke the story on Twitter wasn't doing journalism, but just passing on a rumor, Armour description. And Engadget vet Joshua Topolsky said the Twitter buzz probably says more about our need to tell others we got to the news first than it does about Twitter.

Several folks staked out a spot between the two positions. TechCrunch's Erick Schonfeld Armour Dosage, said Twitter doesn't supplant traditional media, but it does amplify it and drive people to it. GigaOM's Mathew Ingram advised us to think about it not in terms of competition between old and new media, but as part of a news ecosystem: "it’s not really about Twitter or Facebook; it’s about the power of the network." Elsewhere, media analyst Dan Gillmor compared this story to how the 9/11 news broke, Armour gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, GigaOM's Stacey Higginbotham classified the seven stages of breaking news on Twitter, and Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan looked at the way Google responded to the story.

Three other mini-stories within the digital aspect of the Bin Laden story: First, regarding traditional media outlets' online efforts, former Guardian digital chief Emily Bell wrote a fantastic piece about how live news coverage is the great challenge of our time for news orgs, the Online Journalism Review's Robert Niles critiqued the performance of mobile news sites, and the BBC's Rory Cellan-Jones ripped some news iPad apps for being slow with the story, ordering Armour online.

Second, there was plenty of discussion about the remarkable story of Pakistani programmer Sohaib Athar, who live-tweeted the raid without knowing it. Poynter's Steve Myers went meta with the account of how we found out about him, revealing some interesting examples of how information travels through a network like Twitter. He then defended Athar as a citizen journalist, Armour Dosage. Armour dosage, And third, the Atlantic's Megan McArdle explained how a quotation got misattributed to Martin Luther King Jr. and then went viral, and Frederic Lardinois of NewsGrange mused about the difficulty of social media corrections.

Osama and the Times' pay wall: While we've been focusing on the digital media side of things so far, Bin Laden's death was the type of massive story that traditional news organizations go into overdrive on, too, buy no prescription Armour online. Poynter and the Columbia Journalism Review have great looks at how news orgs played the story in print and online, and we got some behind-the-scenes glimpses at how the New York TimesChicago Tribune, What is Armour,  CNN, and other mainstream journalists put together reports on such quick deadlines. Armour Dosage, The Times made an interesting decision in the wake of the story not to lift its pay wall/gate/fence for news on Bin Laden's death, even though it had previously expressed a willingness to allow free access for big stories. The Lab's Megan Garber asked a number of questions about that issue — who makes that decision. And if this isn't a huge story, what is? — and noted that the fact that it was the beginning of the month and many users' meters had just been reset played into the decision.

Meanwhile, James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times criticized the cheerleading tone of TV news' coverage, and Slate's Jack Shafer called out some of the inaccuracies in news stories on Bin Laden's death.

Giving reporters social-media leeway: We saw a case study in contrasting newsroom social media policies, starting when Bloomberg' guidelines were leaked to eMedia Vitals last week. It encouraged reporters to use Twitter, with several restrictions listed under one strong caveat: "Ask questions first, Armour Dosage. Armour maximum dosage, Tweet later."

A couple of days later, John Paton of the Journal Register Co. posted his own company's social media policy. It was blank — implying that the company doesn't put any explicit restrictions on what or how employees can post. Techdirt's Mike Masnick praised Paton's philosophy"These things are developing quickly, and for people to find out how to use these tools most efficiently and effectively, they need to feel free to experiment and do whatever needs to be done."

That prompted GigaOM's Mathew Ingram to give his own social media advice for journalists, buy cheap Armour no rx, telling them to talk to people, link, retweet, reply when spoken to, admit when they're wrong and be human — but not too human. Armour Dosage, Michele McLellan of the Knight Digital Media Center, meanwhile, defined online engagement in terms of outreach, conversation, and collaboration. Armour trusted pharmacy reviews,

Publishers begin to jump in with Apple: A couple of big media-on-iPad developments this week: Time Inc. reached a deal with Apple to allow magazine subscribers to get iPad apps for free, and Hearst became one of the first major publishers to agree to offer subscriptions within iPad (which means Apple's getting that 30% cut), though Advertising Age's Nat Ives wondered if Condé Nast will beat Hearst to the punch.

The British newspaper the Telegraph also launched an iPad edition, and the Guardian's Stuart Dredge noted that both the Telegraph and Hearst are asking customers to share their personal data with them (Apple already gets customer data), and the Telegraph is giving an incentive to them to do so. Meanwhile, Armour without a prescription, the company Yudu has launched some sort of service that will somehow allow publishers to evade Apple's 30% in-app subscription cut and apparently got Apple's approval. (As you can tell, details are sketchy at this point.)

Elsewhere in news on the iPad, News Corp. said it's lost $10 million on The Daily this quarter, which has reportedly gotten 800,000 downloads, Armour Dosage. Former Marketwatch CEO Larry Kramer said The Daily is gradually getting better, Purchase Armour, though.

Pardon AOL's dust: Arianna Huffington keeps on cleaning house at AOL, with a handful of new changes each week. This week: AOL News was folded into the Huffington Post, and Patch announced they're launching Patch Latino sites in California and unveiled the hyperlocal blogging network for which it's been recruiting volunteers for the past couple of weeks. Forbes' Jeff Bercovici reported that AOL is continuing to pour millions of dollars into Patch and expects to lose money on the site this year. Armour Dosage, Even if Patch works journalistically, Mathew Ingram said, that doesn't mean it'll make any business sense.

The Next Web's Alex Wilhelm warned of the homogenization threatened by the AOL content empire and NPR's On the Media debated whether the Huffington Post is good for journalism, japan, craiglist, ebay, overseas, paypal. Amid the hand-wringing, Lauren Rabaino of 10,000 pointed out five good things Patch sites are doing, including transparency and accountability by editors.

Reading roundup: Believe it or not, Armour pictures, people in media circles talked about things this week that didn't have to do with Osama bin Laden or AOL. Here are a few of them:

— Marco Arment's post last week about his successful experiments in charging for Instapaper turned into an interesting discussion about creating a freemium or "business class" for news. Here's Frederic FillouxOliver Reichenstein, and Mathew Ingram, Armour Dosage.

— Another noteworthy conversation that sprung week: Scott RosenbergDave Winer, and Amy Gahran on why journalists should be wary of Facebook — because eventually, as Rosenberg said, "it’s not the public sphere, not in the way the Internet itself is. It’s just a company."

The Wall Street Journal became the latest news org to launch a platform modeled after the WikiLeaks anonymous leaking concept, with SafeHouse. The Atlantic has plenty of details.

— Finally, two useful sets of tips: One from Poynter's Julie Moos about news blogging from filling in for Jim Romenesko for a week, and the other from TBD's Steve Buttry on possible revenue streams for newspapers.

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February 18th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Order Flagyl, on Jan. 14, 2011.]

Managing reporting errors in the river of news: Though Saturday's tragic shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was primarily a political story, it created several ripples that quickly spread into the media world. (One of those was the debate over our rather toxic climate of political rhetoric, though I'll leave that to other outlets to focus on.) Another issue, Generic Flagyl, more directly related to the future-of-news discussion, regarded how the news spread in the shooting's immediate aftermath.

As Lost Remote's Steve Safran described, several major news organizations, including Reuters, NPR, BBC News, and CNN, is Flagyl addictive, wrongly reported soon after the shooting that Giffords had died — reports that were corrected within a half-hour. NPR in particular devoted quite a bit of space to explaining its error, with social media editor Andy Carvinombudsman Alicia Shepard, and executive editor Dick Meyer all weighing in, Order Flagyl.

There was plenty of scrutiny from outside, too: Poynter's Mallary Jean Tenore called the mishap "understandable, but not excusable," and The Next Web's Chad Catacchio suggested that Twitter use editorial judgment to ensure that inaccurate information isn't highlighted in its Top Tweets. Salon's Dan Gillmor cited the situation as a reminder of Clay Shirky's line that "fact checking is down, Flagyl online cod, but after-the-fact checking is way up." Gillmor also posted an appropriate excerpt from his book, Mediactive, urging all of us to take a "slow news" approach to breaking news stories. Seattle TV journalist Paul Balcerak took the opportunity to remind both journalists and their audiences to ask "How do you know that?"

The erroneous tweets launched a parallel discussion on just what exactly to do with them: Leave them there. Delete them. Order Flagyl, Correct them. The debate began in the comments of Safran's Lost Remote post, with NPR's Carvin explaining why he left his faulty tweet as is. WBUR's Andrew Phelps explained why he made the same decision, Flagyl treatment, and ex-Saloner Scott Rosenberg defended both of them in two posts, suggesting a corrected retweet might offer a good compromise.

A couple of other new-media angles to the shooting's coverage: The Lab's Justin Ellis and Lost Remote's Cory Bergman looked at the awkward art of publicly making interview requests on Twitter, and Nieman Storyboard highlighted innovative storytelling approaches amid the shooting's chaotic aftermath.

Twitter's stand against secrecy: The ongoing WikiLeaks saga publicly roped in Twitter this week, as news broke of the U.S. Department of Justice issuing an order requesting the Twitter activity of several people involved with the organization, Order Flagyl. Flagyl steet value, Salon's Glenn Greenwald, who posted many of the order's details and a copy of the order itself, also wondered, "did other Internet and social network companies (Google, Facebook, etc.) receive similar Orders and then quietly comply?"

Remarkably, Twitter didn't just quietly comply. The order originally had a gag order preventing Twitter from telling the targets themselves that it was handing over their data, Flagyl brand name, but Twitter challenged it in court and got a new, unsealed order issued, then told the targets about it. Fast Company looked at the likely role of Twitter's attorney, Alexander Macgillivray, in challenging the order, Flagyl without a prescription, and Wired's Ryan Singel praised Twitter for standing up for its users against government, something that hasn't really been a norm among online companies.

Mashable's Vadim Lavrusik examined the potential implications of the order for journalists doing reporting on Twitter and other social media platforms, and Mathew Ingram of GigaOM noted that the episode illustrates how much we rely on single corporate networks within social media. Order Flagyl, The traditional news media, meanwhile, remains lukewarm at best toward WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, as McClatchy pointed out. At The Columbia Journalism Review, Craig Silverman broke down one manifestation of that cold shoulder — the way mainstream news organizations continue to incorrectly report that WikiLeaks has released hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables, when it has actually released just 2,000, order Flagyl from mexican pharmacy.

Also on the WikiLeaks front, Assange claimed in an interview to have "insurance" files on Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp., and WikiLeaks attacked those who have called for Assange to be hunted down or killed. American WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Applebaum tweeted about his being detained by the U.S. while re-entering the country, and was profiled by Rolling Stone. And Evgeny Morozov of Foreign Policy argued that WikiLeaks' cause would be best served if it would shift from leaking information to building a decentralized, open Internet infrastructure, Order Flagyl. Flagyl pics,

Quora hits the scene: The sudden growth of the question-and-answer site Quora is a story that's been building for several weeks, but I thought now would be as good a time as any to get you up to speed on it. The buzz started just after Christmas, when tech guru Robert Scoble wondered whether it could be the next evolution of blogging. MG Siegler of the influential tech blog TechCrunch followed up by saying much the same thing, and talked about using Quora as inspiration for many of his TechCrunch posts. That week, it also received praise from Google's head of user interaction, order Flagyl from United States pharmacy, Irene Au. Order Flagyl, That was the nudge Quora needed to begin some seriously explosive growth, doubling its number of signups twice in about two weeks. Quora, which was founded in 2009 by two Facebook veterans, is a fairly simple site — just questions and answers, not unlike Yahoo Answers and Facebook Questions. But it's managed to keep the quality of questions and answers up, Flagyl dangers, and it's attracted a smart user base heavy on the "cool kids" of the tech world.

The next question, though, was how this rapid growth would shape Quora. The Telegraph's Milo Yiannopoulos predicted that it would get bigger than Twitter, though Vadim Lavrusik of Mashable saw it as more suited to niche communities"Quora feels heavy, which is of course where it excels, providing in-depth commentary to questions, online Flagyl without a prescription. But that heaviness is unlikely to attract a large audience."

Mathew Ingram of GigaOM questioned whether Quora will be able to maintain its standard of quality as it grows, and Mary Hamilton wrote about Quora's struggles between what its admins want and what its user want, Order Flagyl. Meanwhile, Poynter's Mallary Jean Tenore explored several of the best ways for journalists to use Quora, including looking for ideas for local content and monitoring the buzz around an issue.

Reading roundup: I haven't given you any iPad updates yet, so you know this review can't quite be finished. Very well then:

— We're still talking about the decline of magazine app sales on the iPad, Flagyl australia, uk, us, usa, with The Guardian's Jemima Kiss looking at that disappointment and some publishers' efforts to overcome it. Advertising Age's Simon Dumenco called those sales declines meaningless, but designer Khoi Vinh urged those publishers to stop pouring their resources into print-like tablet products. Order Flagyl, The particular project that everyone's most interested in is Rupert Murdoch's The Daily, which will reportedly be launched next Wednesday with Murdoch and Steve Jobs on stage together. Rex Sorgatz heard that its companion website will have no homepage and be hidden from search engines, and Poynter's Damon Kiesow took a peek at the site's source code for clues.

— Wikipedia will turn 10 this weekend, and Pew kicked off the commemoration with a survey finding that 42% of American adults use Wikipedia to look up information. Mathew Ingram of GigaOM explained how Wikipedia set the prototype for modern information flow on the web, Flagyl reviews.

— Facebook announced this week that it will allow users to like individual authors and topics within sites. ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick said it's a step toward Facebook being able to do what RSS feeds couldn't, Order Flagyl. Meanwhile, the Bivings Group looked at the top newspaper Facebook fan pages.

— One great piece I missed last week: Paul Ford conceptualized the web as a customer service medium, organized around the central question, "Why wasn't I consulted?" Ryan Sholin applied the concept to online reporting. Flagyl without prescription, — If you're interested in real-time editing and curation, this might be an experiment to watch: Quickish, launched this week by former ESPN-er Dan Shanoff, who is starting by applying that concept to sports commentary and hoping to expand to other areas.

— Finally, three bigger pieces to ponder over the weekend: Dan Gillmor's book excerpt at Salon on surviving the tsunami of information; Forbes' Lewis DVorkin's vision for the news site built on personally branded journalists; and the Lab's Ken Doctor on the metrics that will define news in 2011.

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