2 posts
July 9th, 2011

Diflucan Dosage

[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Diflucan Dosage, on June 10, 2011.]

Apple’s mobile Newsstand is a reality: When Steve Jobs makes an announcement, it’s a pretty good bet that whatever he introduces will be what the media-tech world is talking about for the next week (or month, or year). On Monday, Jobs had plenty to introduce — led by a new Mac operating system (Lion), mobile operating system (iOS 5), and a new cloud service to replace MobileMe (iCloud). Those developments have implications for several different aspects of news and media, Diflucan mg, and I’ll try to run down as many of them as I can.

The most direct impact will likely come from Newsstand, an app Jobs unveiled that will be similar to iBooks, providing a single place for all of a user’s magazine and newspaper app subscriptions.

TechCrunch called it evidence that Apple is emphasizing that the iPad is for reading, while GigaOM’s Mathew Ingram and the Guardian’s Jemima Kiss saw a trade-off for publishers: A simpler subscription interface (which likely means more renewals), but even more control for Apple. For consumers, as the Lab’s Andrew Phelps and Megan Garber noted, purchase Diflucan online no prescription, it’s the closest digital publishing has come to the traditional distribution model of regular home delivery.

Apple’s new operating systems will include a raft of upgrades, many of which overlap with existing third-party apps. The New York Times’ Bits blog has a good breakdown of what apps might be threatened, led by the reading-list creator Instapaper, as Apple will begin offering a similar basic function as part of Safari. Instapaper founder Marco Arment was understandably perturbed by the news, but later reasoned that the upgrade could make saving things to read later a built-in part of the workflow of millions of Apple users — and that if even a small percentage of them want a deluxe version of that service, Instapaper will still be in fine shape. The point was echoed by The Next Web’s Matthew Panzarino and by Andrew and Megan here at the Lab.

Apple eases up — kind of: Apple made another significant change this week, too, this one without an announcement, Diflucan Dosage. Order Diflucan online c.o.d, As MacRumors discovered yesterday, Apple quietly adjusted its policy on in-app subscriptions, allowing publishers to sell in-app subscriptions for whatever price they want (previously, they had to be at least as cheap as app subscriptions outside Apple’s store) and lifting the requirement that subscriptions must be offered within the app itself.

All Things Digital’s Peter Kafka has a good explanation of the change, noting that Apple may be allowing companies to circumvent its App Store, but it’s not going to let it be easy. (You still can’t, for example, Diflucan without a prescription, include in your app a “Buy” button pointing users to subscribe via your website.) Still, the lifting of the price restriction could be an encouragement for publishers because, as paidContent’s Staci Kramer pointed out, now they can raise prices to absorb Apple’s 30% revenue cut.

But that doesn’t mean publishers will end up taking advantage of their newfound freedoms. The Lab’s Joshua Benton argued that most publishers won’t, Rx free Diflucan, because customers will resist varied app prices and because Apple’s app purchasing system offers some significant value to publishers that might be worth its 30% cut. And media analyst Ken Doctor reminded us that Apple still holds just about all the cards in this hand.

Poynter’s Jeff Sonderman made an interesting observation: Apple seems to be using the adjusted guidelines to funnel app subscriptions into its new Newsstand. Newsstand’s likely prominence still leaves plenty of open questions for publishers (including the ones outlined earlier), Sonderman said.

The Financial Times hedges its bets on Apple: One publisher stated quite emphatically this week that it’s not going to play Apple’s game: The Financial Times unveiled a mobile web app intended as an alternative to Apple’s App Store-based apps.

By using an HTML5-based app, the FT can design a single app for any major mobile device and get around Apple’s 30 percent cut of app subscriptions, but its apps may get pulled from the App Store. Diflucan Dosage, (The next day, the FT responded to Apple’s new guidelines with what sounded like indignation, sounding as though they’ll charge forward.)

An FT exec told the Guardian that the app was something of a line in the sand, resulting from what he called a “Mexican standoff” with Apple. The move was heralded as a critical one in the tug-of-war between Apple and publishers: All Things Digital called it the first attempt by a major news org to create an HTML5 app that feels just like an App Store app, Diflucan street price, and paidContent said the move was “significant and brave,” especially since its Apple-native apps have been so successful.

Bobbie Johnson of GigaOM wondered if this would be the catalyst news orgs need to start standing up to Apple, and Ken Doctor said the FT’s main value would be in providing a counterweight to the Apple-centric market, as well as experiments for other news orgs to learn from. Benedict Evans, Diflucan cost, meanwhile, said the FT may have a dedicated readership to pull this off where other news orgs can’t.

There were a few voices pushing back against the “FT goes to war with Apple” narrative: Noting that the FT says it has no plans of leaving the App Store, the Lab’s Andrew Phelps argued that “FT’s web app could be less about shunning Apple and more about working with it: keeping one foot inside Apple’s garden, and the other outside.” Doctor talked about the FT’s strategy as a blueprint for news orgs to use Apple as Apple uses them.

And both Phelps and Poynter’s Jeff Sonderman noted that the FT’s not the first news org to try this approach, as NPR and others have dabbled in HTML5 apps before. U.K.-based journalist Kevin Anderson reviewed the app and concluded that HTML5 will soon be “the standard that enables the next wave of cross-platform innovation."

The metered model gets a closer look: Ever since early last year, when the New York Times announced its plans to charge for its website through a metered model, Diflucan canada, mexico, india, that form of online paid content has gotten far more attention than any other. This week, French media consultant Frederic Filloux offered a useful explainer for the model, detailing how it works, what goes into publishers’ decisions about how to implement them, Online buying Diflucan, and where they fit among other paid-content models. One of its major appeals, he argued, is that advertisers see visitors who have paid up as much more valuable, paying as much as a 30 percent premium to reach them.

Filloux presented the metered model as a way of combating the overreliance on one-time, fly-by web visitors by news sites, Diflucan Dosage. British journalist Kevin Anderson echoed those concerns, calling for news orgs to “move to more honest and realistic metrics” and separate out “bounce” visitors, or those who stay on the site for only a few seconds, from their traffic figures. Meanwhile, Filloux’s metered-model math didn’t sway GigaOM’s Mathew Ingram, Diflucan results, who said he still opposes it as a fundamentally backwards-facing strategy.

Another piece of paid-content news worth noting briefly: Outgoing Fox News personality Glenn Beck’s new Internet broadcast-style network will employ a monthly subscription fee. You can check out the commentary on his venture at Mediagazer.

A local reporting crisis: The U.S. Federal Communications Commission added fuel to the long-simmering discussion over the future of accountability reporting in a digital media environment this week, releasing a study finding that the U.S. faces a critical shortage of local reporting, leaving local governmental bodies with an alarming power to influence the news agenda without being checked.

As the Lab’s Megan Garber noted, Diflucan from mexico, its bleak picture of local reporting and many of its proposed solutions were nothing new, except for its recommendation that the government make efforts to funnel advertising into local media, rather than national. Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan said now is a ripe time Diflucan Dosage, for a local news reporting resurgence and urged young reporters to stay away from media centers like New York and flock to small towns instead, and the Atlantic Wire’s Adam Clark Estes looked at how to make that resurgence a reality.

A crackup at AOL?: Henry Blodget of Business Insider calculated a tidbit about the post-merger AOL which, if true, is pretty startling: It now has a larger editorial staff than The New York Times. But just because the new, content-oriented AOL is big doesn’t mean it’s stable. A few days earlier, Business Insider published an anonymous note by an AOL staffer painting a picture of a corporate culture marked by paranoia, buy Diflucan no prescription, dissension, and incompetence.

In a more thoroughly reported story, Forbes’ Jeff Bercovici found a similarly grim situation at AOL, revealing a misunderstanding on AOL’s part about how the Huffington Post’s business model works and a dysfunctional sales department, among other problems. Business Insider came back later in the week with a conversation with an anonymous Patch editor who described low morale, Diflucan dose, sagging ad sales, poor leadership and a clueless business model.

Gawker’s Ryan Tate combed through the two pieces for a good, quick rundown of the charges levied against Arianna Huffington, and the Atlantic Wire’s John Hudson also put together a good summary of what’s wrong.

Reading roundup: Whew. Here’s what else folks were talking about this week:

— We found out a bit more about the New York Times’ new executive editor, Jill Abramson. Here are profiles and interviews from the New York Observer, get DiflucanLos Angeles TimesGuardianAdweek, Low dose Diflucan, and Women’s Wear Daily. Don’t have time for all that, Diflucan Dosage. The Atlantic Wire has a good roundup.

— A new site worth keeping an eye on, especially for sports fans: Grantland, a project of ESPN columnist Bill Simmons, launched this week. Simmons has called it a Miramax to ESPN’s Disney, and former ESPNer Dan Shanoff is optimistic about its chances. Simmons said he’s not into chasing pageviews, and here at the Lab, Tim Carmody looked at Simmons’ effort to find success at the intersection of sports and pop culture.

— Also at the Lab, Justin Ellis took a look at Hacks/Hackers and the future of the niche Q&A site.

— The Knight Digital Media Center’s Amy Gahran suggested the “Lego approach” to storytelling as a way to add context and integration to journalism.

— Finally, one great practical piece and another one to think on. At the Columbia Journalism Review, Craig Silverman got some fantastic tips from various social media experts about how to verify information on social media, and NYU j-prof Jay Rosen took stock of where “pro-am journalism” is and where it’s headed.


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June 1st, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Diflucan Cost, on May 13, 2011.]

Leaving the old ad model behind: Much of the commentary about digital news this week was generated by two big reports, one on the business of digital journalism and the other on its consumption. We'll start on the business side, with the Columbia j-school's study on what we know so far about the viability of various digital journalism business models. As Poynter's Bill Mitchell suggested, the best entry point into the 146-page report might be the nine recommendations that form its conclusion. Buy Diflucan no prescription, Mitchell summed the report up in three themes: The audience for journalism is growing, though translating that into revenue is a challenge; the old model of banner ads isn't cutting it, and news orgs need to look for new forms of advertising; and news orgs need to play better with aggregators and sharpen their own aggregation skills. In his response to the study, Reuters' Felix Salmon focused on the advertising angle, arguing that journalism and advertising have too long been linked by mere adjacency and that "when you move away from the ad-adjacency model, Diflucan dangers, however, things get a lot more interesting and exciting."

The New York Times' story on the report centered on advertising, too, particularly the growing need for journalists to learn about the business side of their products. (That was media consultant Mark Potts' main takeaway, too.) Emily Bell, a scholar at the center that released the study, said that while journalists need to understand the business of their industry, integrating news and sales staffs isn't necessarily the way to go, Diflucan Cost. Australia, uk, us, usa, The J-Lab's Jan Schaffer recommended that news orgs respond to their business problems by learning from smaller startups and incorporating them more thoroughly into the journalism ecosystem. And paidContent's Staci Kramer advised news orgs to focus on regular audiences rather than fly-by visitors: "Outwardly we like to complain about content farms; in reality, a lot of what news outlets are doing to the side of those front-page stories isn’t very different."

Facebook's growth as news driver: The other major report was released by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism and looked at how people access news on the web. This study, too, found that despite a small core of frequent users, online Diflucan without a prescription, news sites are dependent on casual users who visit sites infrequently and don't stay long when they're there. Poynter's Rick Edmonds conveniently distilled the study into five big takeaways. Diflucan Cost, The study also found that while Google is still the top referrer to major news sites, Facebook is quickly emerging as a significant news driver, too. University of British Columbia j-prof Alfred Hermida said this lines up with recent research he's done among Canadians, and GigaOM's Mathew Ingram said it showed that while Google is a dominant source for online news now, Diflucan natural, Facebook is primed to succeed it.

Meanwhile, the study also found that surprisingly little traffic to news sites is driven by Twitter. Lauren Dugan of All Twitter said this finding casts some doubt on the idea that Twitter is "a huge link-sharing playground," though the Wall Street Journal's Zach Seward said the study misses that Twitter referrals are undercounted.

The Twitter undercounting was one of several problems that TBD's Steve Buttry had about the study, where can i buy cheapest Diflucan online, including inconsistent language to characterize findings and a bias toward large news organizations. "This study probably has some helpful data, Diflucan Cost. But it has too many huge holes and indications of bias to have much value," Buttry wrote.

Pricing ads and subscriptions on tablets: Condé Nast became the third major magazine publisher to reach an agreement with Apple on app subscriptions, Online buying Diflucan, and one of the first to offer an in-app subscription, with The New Yorker available now. (Wired subscriptions are coming next month.) Time Inc., which reached a deal with Apple last week, clarified that it won't include in-app subscriptions, which would be where Apple takes that now-infamous 30% cut, Diflucan from canada. The Financial Times, meanwhile, is still negotiating with Apple.

Forbes' Jeff Bercovici explained why publishers may be warming to Apple's deal Diflucan Cost, : Turns out, more people are willing to share their personal data with publishers feared. Still, Diflucan online cod, Mathew Ingram of GigaOM used iFlowReader's bad Apple experience as a warning to other companies about the dangers of getting into bed with Apple.

Now that Apple-publisher relations have thawed, the New York Times' David Carr moved to the next issue: Negotiations between publishers and advertisers over how valuable in-app ads are, and how much those ads should cost.'s Chris Gayomali wondered why magazines are more than giving away app subscriptions with print subscriptions, and concluded that it's about getting more eyeballs on the print product, Diflucan overnight, not the app, in order to maintain the all-important ad rate base.

In other words, Carr said in another post, Is Diflucan addictive, publishers are following the old magazine model, where the product is priced below cost and the money is made off advertising instead. He questioned the wisdom of applying that strategy to tablets: "the rich advertising opportunity that will produce may be a less durable and less stable business than grinding out highly profitable circulation over the long haul."

A postmortem on Bin Laden coverage: It's now been close to two weeks since the news of Osama bin Laden's death broke on Twitter, but plenty of folks were still discussing how the story was broken and covered, Diflucan Cost. Gilad Lotan and Devin Gaffney of SocialFlow put together some fascinating visualizations of how the news spread on Twitter, especially the central roles of Donald Rumsfeld staffer Keith Urbahn and New York Times reporter Brian Stelter. Mashable's Chris Taylor concluded from the data that trustworthiness and having active followers (as opposed to just lots of followers) are more important than ever on Twitter.

Media consultant Frederic Filloux was mostly reassured by the way the traditional news outlets handled the story online: "For once, order Diflucan from United States pharmacy, editorial seems to evolve at a faster pace than the business side." There were still folks cautioning against going overboard on Twitter-as-news hype, while the Telegraph's Emma Barnett wondered why pundits are still so surprised at the significant role Twitter and Facebook play in breaking news. ("It's exactly what they were designed for.")

New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane gave the blow-by-blow of how his paper responded to the story, highlighting a few tweets by Times reporters and editors. Reuters' Felix Salmon chastised Brisbane Diflucan Cost, for not including Brian Stelter's tweets, which were posted a good 15 minutes before the ones he included. Herbal Diflucan, The exclusion, Salmon surmised, might indicate that the Times doesn't see what Stelter did on Twitter as reporting.

Google News founder Krishna Bharat compared the way Google handled 9/11 and Bin Laden's death, marveling at how much more breaking-news coverage is available on the web now. The Lab's Megan Garber used the occasion to glean some insights from Bharat about trusting the authority of the algorithm to provide a rich palette of news, order Diflucan online overnight delivery no prescription, but at Search Engine Land, Danny Sullivan used the Bin Laden coverage to point out some flaws in Google News' algorithm.

Reading roundup: Lots of interesting little rabbit trails to choose from this week. Here are a few:

— ComScore's April traffic numbers are out, and there were a number of storylines flowing out of them: Cable news sources are beating print ones in web traffic, the New York Times' numbers are down (as expected) after implementation of its paywall, and Gawker's numbers are starting to come back after dropping last year with its redesign, Diflucan Cost.

— Last week, Diflucan no rx, ESPN columnist Rick Reilly told graduating students at the University of Colorado's j-school to never write for free. That prompted Jason Fry of the National Sports Journalism Center and Craig Calcaterra of's Hardball Talk to expound on the virtues of writing for free, though Slate's Tom Scocca took Reilly's side.

— Two thoughtful pieces on brands and journalism: Jason Fry at Poynter on assessing the value of organizational and personal brands, and Vadim Lavrusik at the Lab on journalists building their brands via Facebook.

— Late last week, Google lost an appeal to a 2007 Belgian ruling forcing it to pay newspapers for gaining revenue for linking to their stories on Google News.

— Finally, the Huffington Post's Mandy Jenkins offered a helpful list of 10 ways journalists can use Storify. It's full of great examples and should spark an idea or two.

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March 16th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Glucophage No Rx, on March 4, 2011.]

Google's surgical strike against content farms: Two weeks after launching its site-blocking Chrome extension, Google made the central move in its fight against content farms by changing its algorithm to de-emphasize them in search results. The New York Times put the change in context, explaining the content farm phenomenon and its connection to Google. Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan explained that Google is saying the changes only affect "scrapers" (sites that pull content from other sources), but that they're actually aimed at content farms, too. Glucophage trusted pharmacy reviews, And GigaOM's Mathew Ingram talked about why Google may be reluctant to publicly target content farms — because they run a lot of Google advertising.

A few early returns were good: TechCrunch approved of the change, and The Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal ran a test search comparing the old and new algorithms, finding that the information from the new one was "much, much better." Demand Media, the most prominent of the content farms, said it wasn't affected overall by the new formula, canada, mexico, india, though, as Henry Blodget of Business Insider noted, it's probably trying to wean itself off of Google reliance anyway.

In fact, it appears Demand Media may be telling the truth: Aaron Hall of SEO Book used Sistrix's data to point out that many of Demand Media's competitors were among the sites hardest hit by the change, while one of Demand's largest brands, eHow, actually got a boost. Hall implies that politics have played a role, and while there's nothing concrete suggesting that, the way the changes spared eHow does seem .., Glucophage No Rx. odd.

There's also bound to be plenty of collateral damage from the algorithmic shift, Glucophage recreational, and Wired looked at one Mac blog that's been nailed by the new formula (its Googlejuice was restored after Wired talked to Google about it). Danny Sullivan reported that Google hasn't made any significant changes to its new algorithm since rolling it out last week, though there are outlets to contact Google if you feel your site has been unfairly hurt.

Elsewhere in the conversation about search, The Columbia Journalism Review's Karen Stabiner gave an overview of the debate about search engine optimization: The anti-SEO crowd, led by the Washington Post's Gene Weingarten, worries that the SEO mindset will privilege the powerful and eventually kill off creativity in favor of numbingly literal language, taking Glucophage. Glucophage No Rx, The SEO evangelists, on the other hand, say it's just encouraging honesty and straightforwardness, something it's difficult to object to.

Facebook extends comments' reach: Facebook continued its integration with media content across the web this week with the launch of an updated comments system. Essentially, users can simultaneously post their comments on both a site and on Facebook, with subsequent comments under that thread posted to the site straight from Facebook. PBS MediaShift's Mark Glaser talked to Facebook's Justin Osofsky about the ins and outs of the new system, Online Glucophage without a prescription, and ReadWriteWeb noted that it has fewer features than the commenting update Facebook previewed last fall.

TechCrunch's Erick Schonfeld identified the two aspects of the updated system that will be most attractive to publishers. First, it requires commenters to use their real names, thus theoretically cutting down on trolls and spammers (this part, of course, has been available to publishers through Facebook commenting for a while), Glucophage No Rx. Second — and this is the new one — it extends the reach of a post, spreading into more Facebook news feeds and making it easier for more people to join in the conversation. This particularly excited Lehigh j-prof Jeremy Littau, who said it could create "a virtuous circle between community and content sharing."

There are downsides as well, and while media analyst Alan Mutter was optimistic about the social potential of the new system, he also pointed out that it will give Facebook even more information about its users, Glucophage pictures, which it won't be sharing with publishers. As GigaOM's Mathew Ingram noted, it's the same tradeoff publishers have been dealing with regarding Facebook for several years now: Does the value of tapping into Facebook's social potential outweigh the price of handing over commenting to a notoriously controlling company?

TBD's lessons — more startup, less ad reliance: TBD in its original form may have died last week, but the six-month-old Washington local news site continued to stimulate conversation this week. Where to buy Glucophage, Its station posted an ad for a new manager to head the site, and TBD's former manager, Jim Brady, talked with The Columbia Journalism Review about the site's model, framing the conflict there as not TV vs. web, but startup vs, Glucophage maximum dosage. legacy:  Glucophage No Rx, "I think if we could do TBD with a pure startup mentality, and if we could fund it more with a V.C. or an angel kind of way, and if we didn’t have the legacy side to work with, then I think it would actually have a better chance to succeed."

Others posited similar reasons for TBD's demise: Web journalist Jane Stevens talked about a few causes centered on a lack of corporate commitment, and The Guardian's Emily Bell pinpointed TBD's inability to have its own ad sales team (an explanation with which Brady concurred). The debate over hyperlocal journalism, What is Glucophage,  stirred by Alan Mutter last week, continued to simmer, with Robert Washburn of The Canadian Journalism Project defending it and Paul Gillin of Newspaper Death Watch saying we need to look at non-advertising-based business models for it, a point media consultant Dan Conover also made in more in-depth form at Xark.

Amid all the analyses of what went wrong at TBD, Mandy Jenkins, the social media manager there, buy Glucophage no prescriptiontook stock of what went right, noting four things other news orgs can take away from its tenure: organizational openness, self-promotion, opening info beyond the newsroom, and hiring for mindset over pedigree. Is Glucophage addictive,

iPad, part deux: Apple made a few headlines by launching iPad 2, which is apparently kind of like the iPad, only it's the second edition. I'll entrust you to the care of Techmeme for all the details about the product itself and focus instead on what it means for publishers and the larger world of media, Glucophage No Rx. The Lab's Joshua Benton pointed out two implications in particular — the mounting evidence of an e-book explosion and the iPad's increasing usefulness for reporting.

Damon Kiesow of Poynter examined the latter point in some detail, looking at the iPad 2's specs from a content creation perspective, japan, craiglist, ebay, overseas, paypal. And Cory Bergman of Lost Remote looked at the device's increased video capability and predicted that it would help fuel a surge in multi-platform video consumption and production.

Elsewhere in mobile media, tech blogger John Gruber defended Apple's app subscription program by breaking down the arguments against it one by one. Glucophage No Rx, And in a smart counter to Gruber, the Lab's Joshua Benton said that while Apple obviously isn't a charity and the financial difficulties of publishers aren't its problem, the arrangement still isn't ideal. Both posts are among the sharpest takes on the issue I've read, so they're worth taking time to read through. Buy Glucophage from mexico,

Reading roundup: What to read this weekend while firming up South by Southwest plans:

— In non-commenting Facebook news, Mashable's Vadim Lavrusik put together a great overview of the varied role of Facebook in journalism. And in non-Facebook commenting news, Los Angeles Times media reporter James Rainey made the case for requiring commenters to use their real names, while Mediaite's Alex Alvarez defended anonymous commenting, Glucophage from canadian pharmacy.

— Here at the Lab, Lois Beckett wrote two fascinating posts based on a talk by The New York Times' Gerry Marzorati — one on the future of long-form journalism, and the other on the Times' planned paywall. Two other thought-provoking pieces published here this week: One by Joshua Benton on language and viral content, and another by three data journalists on news organizations creating value out of the trust placed in them, Glucophage No Rx.

— Amy Gahran wrote three awesome primers on mobile media — one on mobile apps, another on the current mobile landscape, Online buying Glucophage hcl,   and one on mobile media and PR.

— Knight fellow Jeremy Adam Smith shared results from a survey on how meaningful journalism is being funded. It's a gold mine of statistics and information about the state of the journalism ecosystem.

— It's a pretty well-worn discussion, but Frederic Filloux's analysis of why incremental change isn't enough to rescue the newspaper industry is as succinct a summary of the current situation as I've seen. Even if you've heard it all, his piece is a good refresher.

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March 16th, 2011

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[This review was originally posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab Bactrim No Rx, on Feb. 25, 2011.]

The short, happy-ish life of TBD: Just six months after it launched and two weeks after a reorganization was announced, the Washington, D.C., local news site was effectively shuttered this week, where can i buy cheapest Bactrim online, when its corporate parent, Allbritton Communications (it's owned by Robert Allbritton and includes Politico), cut all of its jobs, leaving only an arts and entertainment operation within the website of Allbritton's WJLA-TV.

TBD had been seen many as a bellwether in online-only local news, After Bactrim, as Poynter's Mallary Jean Tenore documented in her historical roundup of links about the site, so it was quite a shock and a disappointment to many future-of-newsies that it was closed so quickly. The response — aptly compiled by TBDer Jeff Sonderman — was largely sympathetic to TBD's staff (former TBD manager Jim Brady even wrote a pitch to prospective employers on behalf of the newly laid off community engagement team). Many observers on Twitter (and Terry Heaton on his blogpointed squarely at Allbritton for the site's demise, with The Batavian's Howard Owens drawing out a short, thoughtful lesson: "Legacy managers will nearly always sabotage innovation. Wall of separation necessary between innovators and legacy."

Blogger Mike Clark pointed out that TBD's traffic was beating each of the other D.C. TV news sites and growing as well, Bactrim No Rx. The Washington Post reported that while traffic wasn't a problem, Bactrim blogs, turning it into revenue was — though the fact that TBD's ads were handled by WJLA staffers might have contributed to that.

Mallary Jean Tenore wrote an insightful article talking to some TBD folks about whether their company gave them a chance to fail. Lehigh j-prof Jeremy Littau was unequivocal on the subject"Some of us have been talking today on Twitter about whether TBD failed. Nonsense. TBD wasn’t given enough time to fail."

While CUNY j-prof Jeff Jarvis lamented Bactrim No Rx, that "TBD will be painted as a failure of local news online when it's a failure of its company, nothing more," others saw some larger implications for other online local news projects. Media analyst Alan Mutter concluded that TBD's plight is "further evidence that hyperlocal journalism is more hype than hope for the news business, Order Bactrim from United States pharmacy, " and Poynter's Rick Edmonds gave six business lessons for similar projects from TBD's struggles. Journal Register Co. CEO John Paton ripped Edmonds' analysis, arguing that Allbritton "can’t pretend to have seriously tried the hyperlocal business space after a six-month experiment it derailed half-way in."

Applying Apple's new rules: Publishers' consternation over Apple's new subscription plan for mobile devices continued this week, with Frederic Filloux at Monday Note laying out many publishers' frustrations with Apple's proposal. The New York Times' David Carr and The Guardian's Josh Halliday both covered publishers' Apple subscription conundrum, and one expert told Carr, Bactrim over the counter"If you are a publisher, it puts things into a tailspin: The business model you have been working with for many years just lost 30 percent off the top."

At paidContent, James McQuivey made the case for a lower revenue share for Apple, and Dan Gillmor wondered whether publishers will stand up to Apple. The company may also be facing scrutiny from the U.S, Bactrim No Rx. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission for possible antitrust violations, Buy Bactrim without a prescription, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The fresh issue regarding Apple's subscription policy this week, though, was the distinction between publishing apps and more service-oriented apps. The topic came to the fore when the folks from Readability, an app that allows users to read articles in an advertising-free environment, wrote an open letter ripping Apple for rejecting their app, buying Bactrim online over the counter, saying their new policy "smacks of greed." Ars Technica's Chris Foresman and Apple blogger John Gruber noted, though, that Readability's 30%-off-the-top business model is a lot like Apple's.

Then Apple's Steve Jobs sent a short, cryptic email to a developer saying that Apple's new policy applies only to publishing apps, Rx free Bactrim, not service apps. Bactrim No Rx, This, of course, raised the question, in TechCrunch's words, "What's a publishing app?" That's a very complex question, and as Instapaper founder Marco Arment wrote, one that will be difficult for Apple to answer consistently. Arment also briefly noted that Jobs' statement seems to contradict the language of Apple's new guidelines.

Giving voice to new sources of news: This month's Carnival of Journalism, posted late last week, focused on ways to increase the number of news sources. It's a broad question, and it drew a broad variety of answers, Bactrim schedule, which were ably summarized by Courtney Shove. I'm not going to try to duplicate her work here, but I do want to highlight a few of the themes that showed up.

David Cohn, the Carnival's organizer, gave a great big-picture perspective to the issue, putting it in the context of power and the web. Kim Bui and Dan Fenster defended the community-driven vision for news, with Bui calling journalists to go further: "Let’s admit it, we’ve never trusted the public." There were several calls for journalists to include more underrepresented voices, with reports and ideas like a refugee news initiativedigital news busyouth journalism projects, and initiatives for youth in foreign-language families, Bactrim No Rx.

The J-Lab's Jan Schaffer gave 10 good ideas to the cause, and Drury j-prof Jonathan Groves and Gannett's Ryan Sholin shared their ideas for local citizen news projects, Bactrim australia, uk, us, usa, while TheUpTake's Jason Barnett endorsed a new citizen-journalism app called iBreakNews.

Three bloggers, however, objected to the Carnival's premise in the first place. Daniel Bachhuber of CUNY argued that improving journalism doesn't necessarily mean adding more sources, recommending instead that "Instead of increasing the number of news sources, we should focus on producing durable data and the equivalent tools for remixing it." Lauren Rabaino warned against news oversaturation, order Bactrim no prescription, and the University of Colorado's Steve Outing said that more than new sources, we need better filters and hubs for them.

Blogging's continued evolution: The "blogging is dead" argument has popped up from time to time, and it was revived again this week in the form of a New York Times story about how young people are leaving blogs for social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Bactrim No Rx, Several people countered the argument, led by GigaOM's Mathew Ingram, who said that blogging isn't declining, but is instead evolving into more of a continuum that includes microblogging services like Twitter, traditional blog formats like Wordpress, and the hybrid that is Tumblr. He and Wordpress founding developer Matt Mullenweg shared the same view — that "people of all ages are becoming more and more comfortable publishing online," no matter the form.

Scott Rosenberg, who's written a history of blogging, looked at statistics to make the point, noting that 14% of online adults keep a blog, buy Bactrim online no prescription, a number he called astounding, even if it starts to decline. "As the online population becomes closer to universal, that is an extraordinary thing: One in ten people writing in public. Our civilization has never seen anything like it." In addition, Bactrim treatment, Reuters' Anthony DeRosa argued that longer-form blogging has always been a pursuit of older Internet users.

Reading roundup: I've got a few ongoing stories to update you on, and a sampling of an unusually rich week in thoughtful pieces.

— A couple of sites took a peek at Gawker's traffic statistics to try to determine the effectiveness of its recent redesign, Bactrim No Rx. TechCrunch saw an ugly picture; Business Insider was cautiously optimistic based on the same data. Gawker disputed TechCrunch's numbers, and Terry Heaton tried to sort through the claims.

— A couple of Middle East/North Africa protest notes: The New York Times told us about the response to Egypt's Internet blackout and the role of mobile technology in documenting the protests, is Bactrim safe. And Amy Gahran of the Knight Digital Media Center gave some lessons from the incredible Twitter journalism of NPR's Andy Carvin.

— The Daily is coming to Android tablets Bactrim No Rx, this spring, and its free trial run has been extended beyond the initial two weeks.

— Matt DeRienzo of the Journal Register Co. wrote about an intriguing idea for a news org/j-school merger.

— Alan Mutter made the case for ending federal funding for public journalism.

— At 10,000 Words, Lauren Rabaino had some awesome things news organizations can learn from tech startups, including thinking of news as software and embracing transparency.

— And here at the Lab, Northwestern prof Pablo Boczkowski gave some quick thoughts on how we tend to associate online news with work, and what that means. He sheds some light about an under-considered aspect of news — the social environments in which we consume it.

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